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UNDIP Played a Role in Research Results Exhibitions in the Context of Strengthening the Network of Medical Device Research Centers

Diponegoro University, as a research-based university, in an effort to downstream and upstream research and innovation results, took part in the Research Results Exhibition at the Coordination Meeting in the context of Strengthening the Network of Medical Device Research Centers. The effort is made in order to increase access, independence, and quality of medical devices, as organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Health on Wednesday – Thursday, July 12 – 13, 2023, at the Alila Hotel, Solo, Central Java. It was attended by 14 (fourteen) universities in Indonesia, namely the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Swiss German University, Airlangga University, Andalas University, Brawijaya University, Diponegoro University, Gadjah Mada University, Hasanuddin University, University of Indonesia, Padjajaran University, Sebelas Maret University and North Sumatra University.

This activity was held to build an integrated research and development ecosystem between academics, the private sector and government, where research and development of medical devices can be directed towards research that supports the independence of medical devices, one of which is through a network of medical device research centers.

Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Dante Saksono Harbuwono was very enthusiastic about UNDIP’s innovative medical equipment products during his visit to the Undip Booth. Diponegoro University through the Center for Robotic Rehabilitation and Medical Device Innovation RSND – CBIOM3S Undip participated by displaying research products, including the Elbow Therapy Robot, which is used for elbow therapy in post-stroke patients, helping with a wide range of motion exercises (LGS) and strengthening joint muscles in patients post-stroke with modes that can be set via this Robot’s OS. Esar Foot Prosthesis stands for Energy Storage And Return Foot Prosthesis, which is expected to improve walking kinematics and reduce metabolic energy expenditure. MyoM3S (Myometer CBIoM3S) is a tool that checks and measures muscle contact strength, helping doctors evaluate performance from time to time—a therapeutic Robot used for finger therapy in post-stroke patients.

Filly Hand is an artificial hand product that uses biomechanic technology by emphasizing functions and benefits for its users. Filly Hand is here to help people with disabilities, especially those who have had amputations, whether due to accidents or diseases of the hand. The Digital Stethoscope is a product that is expected to be a solution to the problem of auscultation for infectious diseases and can help the implementation of telemedicine in Indonesia. An electrocardiogram is a test to measure the electrical or electrical activity of the heart. This ECG test can detect abnormalities in the patient’s heart.

This exhibition went well and smoothly, which will be followed by a business matching program that is expected to bring together Undip innovators with industrial partners who are competent in their fields.

Photo Caption: Elbow Therapy Robot.

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