UNDIP Students Won the Gold Medal and Grand Award at the 2023 World Innovative Science Project Olympiad

Diponegoro University (Undip) students achieved another brilliant achievement. Alya Firda Amalia (Pharmacy class of 2020), Fildzah Millati Hanifa (Pharmacy class of 2021), and Fayyaza Nadia Hanun (Pharmacy class of 2022) succeeded in winning the Gold Medal in the Science & Mathematics category. They won the Grand Award in the College category at the 2023 World Innovative Science Project Olympiad (WISPO), which was held from 14 to 17 December 2023 at the Balai Besar Guru Penggerak (BBGP) Building, Bandung, West Java.

The team, consisting of 3 (three) Pharmacy students from the Faculty of Medicine, Undip, carried out innovative work regarding the preparation of parijoto nanoemulsion extract as an anti-diabetic, which was applied to a microneedle transdermal patch. “The parijoto fruit itself is taken from the Kudus city and then made into nanoemulsion. This innovation has gone through in vivo testing with male white Wistar rats as test animals,” explained Nadia Hanun.

The achievements achieved are indeed the result of careful preparation. They started by making attractive and informative posters, preparing presentation drafts so that it is easy to convey research content, preparing beautiful booth equipment, and preparing souvenirs for visitors or other participants who visit the booth. “Previously, we had also prepared prototypes ranging from nanoemulsion products and microneedle transdermal patches,” they said.

Representing the team, Nadia admitted that she was moved and happy with the achievements achieved. “I didn’t expect to get two awards at once. I feel emotional and happy because the months of struggling in the laboratory paid off even though the results of this research still need a lot of evaluation and improvement,” said Nadia.

In this international event, which was organized by the Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS), 12 countries participated in the final round, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria and Bangladesh.

The 2023 WISPO has also been supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), SEAMEO Qitep in the field of Science and BBGP West Java as government institutions.

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