Signing of UNDIP’s Collaboration Commitment with CV Bartec Utama Mandiri in the Context of Downstream Innovation in Medical Device Products

Diponegoro University is a university that supports the Healthy Indonesia Program with 3 (three) pillars, namely the healthy paradigm, health services, and national health insurance in accordance with the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), continues to innovate with technology and collaborate with all stakeholders. Diponegoro University will continue to create products that are compatible and needed by the entire community in order to meet the needs for domestic medical equipment, 70% of which are still imported, thus contributing to the creation of Indonesia’s health resilience.

With the signing of a cooperation agreement between universities, including Diponegoro University, represented by Vice Rector IV, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. with CV. Bartec Utama Mandiri (BUMA) as DUDI (Business World Industry World) by H. Hadi Pranoto as Main Director at the Indonesia Local Production Conference event is expected to be able to increase the development of new drugs and medical devices. Those devices are innovative and of high value, so they can increase the country’s independence in meeting its needs for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, as well as reducing dependence on imports of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. This is in line with the expectations of the Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, in his remarks when opening the Indonesia Local Production Conference at the Harris Hotel on August 30, 2023, emphasized jointly strengthening local production to support Indonesia’s health security.

Director of Pharmaceutical Resilience and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Roy Himawan, S.Farm., Apt., M.K.M. in his speech, said the Indonesia Local Production Conference event was attended by 309 participants from institutions, universities, hospitals, health services, start-ups, the industrial world, associations and venture capital companies, as stakeholders related to local production for building Indonesia’s Health Resilience, through Bench Marking as an effort to connect industry with users and Match Matching. The effort made to connect industry with researchers can bring benefits not only theoretically but also pragmatically with the signing of a collaboration between researchers and the medical equipment industry, namely Diponegoro University and CV. Bartec Utama Mandiri (BUMA) as a form of embodiment.

By signing this agreement, it is hoped that Diponegoro University researchers can produce innovative and superior products in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices as a form of love for the Indonesian homeland.

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