Undip Encourages Lecturer Career Development Through SISTER

The Board of Professors at Diponegoro University (Undip) held a Brainstorming Webinar for Professors at Diponegoro University, “Undip Professor Talk,” on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 13.00 WIB on UndipTV’s Official YouTube with the theme Lecturer Career Development: Data Collection and Assessment System Through SISTER.

The event was officially opened by the Chair of the Undip Academic Senate, Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. In his speech, Prof. Edy said that lecturer career development was one of the essential things to pay attention to. “We need to know what the lecturer needs to do because this will involve the career development of the lecturer himself and his institution,” said Prof. Edy.

Meanwhile, the Chair of Undip’s Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA., revealed that lecturer career development needs to be supported by increasing educational qualifications and competencies as proven by competency certification. As a lecturer, you are also obliged to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching, research and development, and community service.

“Not only conducting research but also the research results need to be published in reputable journals. In addition, community service is supported by the research results,” said Prof. Purwanto.

From all that lecturers have done, there needs to be system support. One of them is support for the publication of SINTA (Science and Technology Index) research. “Then the latest is with the support of SISTER (Integrated Resource Information System). Everything done by lecturers in the context of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education or fulfilling qualifications and competencies is entered into the SISTER system. This is part of the lecturers’ daily activities,” explained Prof. Purwanto.

The webinar continued with the presentation of material by the resource person. Webinar moderated by Prof. Ir. Vitus Dwi Yunianto Budi Ismadi, M.S., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., invited 3 (three) speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Sutikno, M.T., who explained further information regarding integration credit figures. The second speaker is Prof. Dr. Moh. Djaeni, S.T., M.Eng., who described the follow-up process for proposals for promotions and functional positions of lecturers at Undip. The third resource person is Prof. Dr. Dra. Naili Farida, M.Si., who explained the strategy in the process of proposing promotions and functional positions for lecturers.

The Chair and Secretary of the Academic Senate, Chair and Secretary of the Undip’s Board of Professors, Chair and Secretary of Commissions A, B, C, and D of the UUndip’s Board of Professors, and all guests to the webinar attended the webinar.

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