Digital Security Innovation: Success of The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology 2023 Bug Bounty Competition Award at FEB UNDIP

Semarang (23/8)—Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim highlighted the importance of cybersecurity in technological development at the Bug Bounty Competition Award 2023 event at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Diponegoro University (UNDIP). This hybrid event is the second edition initiated by the EDU CSIRT (Education Computer Security Incident Response Team) Pusdatin Kemendikbudristek, aimed to address the increasing data leaks.

This event also supports Regulation of Persesjen No.11 of 2022 concerning the Information Security Management System (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi/SMKI) in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology’s Electronic-Based Government System (Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik/SPBE). Hasan Chabibie, Head of the Data and Information Technology Center (Kapusdatin) Kemendikbudristek, appreciates the success of this event, which had a significantly larger number of participants than the previous year. The number of registered participants in 2022 was 228; in 2023, it reached 504 participants.

The event featured a hybrid information security seminar via Zoom, with speakers including the Minister of Research and Technology in the Working Cabinet (2014–2019) and a representative from FEB UNDIP, Prof. Drs. H. Mohamad Nasir. It also featured engaging insights from the CEO of Braincorp, Romi Satria Wibawa, M.Eng., Ph.D.

The Vice Dean of FEB UNDIP, Drs. Waskito Kawedar, M.Si., A.kt., thanked Kemendikbudristek for choosing UNDIP as the Bug Bounty Award 2023 venue. This event, combined with the seminar, is expected to inspire attendees from students and educators in Semarang and across Indonesia who participate online.

Bug Bounty Competition is set to become an annual event to oversee the implementation of SPBE in the Kemendikbudristek environment. The event recorded 208 vulnerability reports from applications owned by Kemendikbudristek work units, aiding application improvements and enhancing information security in that environment. The hope is that this event becomes a collaboration platform between Pusdatin Kemendikbudristek, service owners, and Bug Hunters to implement SPBE in the Kemendikbudristek environment. Additionally, it envisioned instilling a positive culture in facing cyber incidents.

At the event’s culmination, awards were presented to three winners in each category: Lecturer, Student, and College Student.

Here is the list of winners of the Bug Bounty Competition Award Kemendikbudristek 2023:

Student Category:

  1. Faiz Nurdiyana

– School/University: SMKN 2 Depok, Yogyakarta

  1. Alessandro Christo Rumampuk

– School/University: SMAN 1 Bitung, North Sulawesi

  1. Abdullah Mudzakir

– School/ University: SMKN 08 Semarang, Central Java

College Student Category:

  1. Rifqi Hilmy Zhafrant

– School/Campus: Brawijaya University

  1. Muhamad Agil Fachrian

– School/Campus: Telkom University

  1. Steven Julian

– School/Campus: Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif

Lecturer Category:

  1. Daniel Halomoan Saragi Napitu

– School/Campus: Politeknik Negeri Medan

  1. Santika Kusnul Hakim

– School/Campus: SMKS Islam Donomulyo

  1. Yudha Nurdin

– School/Campus: Syiah Kuala University

The winners in each competition showcased their ability and dedication to identifying security vulnerabilities for improvement. Their accomplishments are expected to continue to positively impact information security in the Kemendikbudristek environment and the nation.

*Bug Bounty 2023 Publication Team FEB Undip*

Source: Faculty of Economics and Business Undip

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