Contribution of PSDKU UNDIP in Preparing Planning for Bapelitbang of Batang Regency

Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M., an academic from the Vocational School of PSDKU UNDIP Batang, was invited to a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by the Batang Regency Planning, Research, and Development Agency (Bapelitbang) on Monday, May 13, 2024. This FGD was related to planning for better governance in the areas of regional research and innovation.

Attendees included Bagus Pambudi (Head of Research and Development at Bapelitbang of Batang Regency), Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M. (Academic – PSDKU UNDIP Batang), Drs. Y. Anggoro T, M.Eng. (Academic – SMKN Kandeman), Drs. Arif Suryoto (Journalist – Suara Merdeka), and Isnen Ambar Santoso, SP (Practitioner/Winner of the 2022 Krenova Competition – Disparpora of Batang Regency).

Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M., an academic from the Vocational School of PSDKU UNDIP Batang, proposed the formation of a team to create a Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) document that includes short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning in the fields of research and innovation. Additionally, Ropinov, who frequently serves as a competition advisor and judge at his institution, suggested that procedures and mechanisms for competitions be communicated to participants well in advance of the competition dates. Lastly, Ropinov emphasized the importance of aligning the scope of competition with both short-term and long-term development plans.

“The scope of the competitions should align with the work plans at the national, provincial, regency/city levels, and even down to local wisdom/village levels if necessary,” explained Ropinov.

The proposals from the UNDIP academic were supported by one of the Krenova Batang judges, Suara Merdeka journalist Arif Suryoto, who noted that competition participants could face psychological stress if the competition mechanisms were announced suddenly.

The Head of Research and Development at Bapelitbang of Batang Regency, Bagus Pambudi, expressed his readiness to develop this research and innovation civilization. “The need to create a Strategic Plan as proposed by Mr. Ropinov, along with the scope and mechanisms, will be arranged. We certainly need the assistance of the gentlemen here to realize it,” concluded Bagus.

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