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Faculty of Law UNDIP Builds Synergy Through Healthy Pathways

The Faculty of Law at Diponegoro University (FH UNDIP) held a Fun Walk event on Saturday, May 18, 2024. All elements of the Faculty of Law, including students, lecturers, administrative staff, and alumni, attended. This Fun Walk was part of a series of events celebrating the Faculty of Law’s 67th anniversary, which has been ongoing since January.

The Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., congratulated the Faculty of Law on all its achievements. “I hope that more Faculty of Law academics can be present in the public sphere if something undermines the sense of justice in our nation, state, and society. I hope the Faculty of Law academics can voice the public’s sense of injustice,” he explained.

On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum., reported that this year, the Faculty of Law achieved a world ranking of 351st according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject for 2024. The achievement is the result of the Faculty of Law’s efforts in providing the best service.

“The Faculty of Law continues to strive to provide the best in educational services. The best service can be seen from the increased quality of lecturer competencies, with 30% of our faculty being Professors, highly competent administrative staff, and students who have made numerous national and international achievements,” she explained.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the 67th Anniversary Committee of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Ani Purwanti, S.H., M.Hum., explained that this year’s Fun Walk took the theme “Moving Together with the Academic Community Towards a Healthy and Synergistic Lifestyle.” This event was made possible through the synergy of stakeholders, including lecturers, administrative staff, alumni, and donors. “I hope that the theme of our tagline today truly becomes a synergy among stakeholders related to the Faculty of Law and UNDIP,” said Prof. Ani.

In addition to the Fun Walk, prizes for Table Tennis and Progressive Voice competitions held previously were also distributed. There were also door prizes raffled at the end of the event. The Fun Walk event was further enlivened by performances from Faculty of Law alumni and singers from the capital city. (Hng – Public Relations)

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