Integrated Services Unit at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP: Leveraging the Predicate of a Corruption-Free Zone

Diponegoro University has achieved the status of a Corruption-Free Zone (Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi / WBK), and one key to this success is the significant role of the Integrated Service Unit (Unit Layanan Terpadu / ULT). The Integrated Service Unit at the Faculty of Engineering at UNDIP functions as an information center and a solution provider for various needs and issues related to academic activities, administration, and faculty facilities.

The Integrated Service Unit at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP offers integrated and holistic services to students, lecturers, and administrative staff, supporting the smooth running of academic and administrative activities within the faculty.

  1. General Information Service: The Integrated Service Unit at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP provides general information at the General Affairs counter in the Dean’s Building, 1st Floor. This General Affairs section guides using the faculty’s facilities and services and serves as a communication bridge between lecturers, students, and faculty units.
  2. Document Collection Notification Service via WhatsApp: This innovative document collection notification service uses barcode technology to enhance efficiency and security in document management. By utilizing barcodes, each processed document can be tracked accurately and in real-time, ensuring that students are informed of their document status through WhatsApp notifications after the document has been signed.
  3. Letter Format Request and Document Printing Service: Students can access and print various official letter formats, such as scholarship application letters, internship permission letters, and dean’s recommendation letters, through touch-screen monitors and printers provided free of charge in the Dean’s Building, 1st Floor. This service supports smooth communication and administration by delivering standardized letter formats.
  4. Complaint Service: The Complaint Service of the Integrated Service Unit at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP provides a means for students and lecturers to report issues and dissatisfaction and provide constructive feedback. This system ensures transparency and responsiveness in handling complaints, helping to resolve reported issues quickly and appropriately.


The Integrated Service Unit at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP also plays a role in student administration, such as managing study period extensions, leave permissions, reduced study loads, and other administrative processes. Additionally, the Integrated Service Unit provides services related to the borrowing of faculty facilities, such as reserving lecture rooms, teleconference rooms, theater rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities.

The Faculty of Engineering at UNDIP is able to deliver fast, effective, and efficient services to the entire academic community with various innovative services. The existence of the Integrated Service Unit as a central service unit has been a crucial lever in achieving Corruption-Free Zone status. The services provided by the Integrated Service Unit reflect FT UNDIP’s commitment to continuously improving service quality and clean, transparent, and accountable governance.

This success is expected to serve as an example for other faculties and work units in realizing an Integrity Zone toward a Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area. (Ut-Public Relations)



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