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A Total of 22 UNDIP PSDKU Students Passed the 2024 Ministry of Finance Internship Batch 2

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) of the Republic of Indonesia announced the results of the second period of the 2024 Kemenkeu Internship Program. A total of 72 UNDIP students passed the selection, including 22 students from the D3 Tax Administration Study Program at UNDIP PSDKU Batang. Overall, 1,058 students nationwide were selected for the 2024 Kemenkeu Internship Batch 2.

The Kemenkeu Internship Program is an internship facility provided by the Ministry of Finance. Students are placed in various directorates in different cities according to their preferences. However, to join, students must first apply and compete against thousands of other applicants nationwide.

This Kemenkeu internship is crucial for students as it is highly relevant to the D3 Tax Administration program at UNDIP in the field of taxation/finance, where the Ministry of Finance is a key stakeholder. In addition to gaining experience and insights in taxation, this activity also represents students’ participation in off-campus activities (IKU 2 and MBKM 4).

Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M., a supervising lecturer in the D3 Tax Administration Study Program at UNDIP, stated that he always motivates students during class to use their holiday time for productive activities like internships. He also provides technical guidance for national-level internships like the Kemenkeu Internship.

“Alhamdulillah, in 2024, 22 of our students were accepted into the Kemenkeu Internship Program. With this ministerial internship, we hope that the output of UNDIP graduates, especially in the D3 Tax Administration PSDKU program, will become more qualified and better prepared for work in their field,” explained Ropinov.

In a separate online meeting, the Head of the D3 Tax Administration Study Program, Mutiara Tresna Parasetya, S.E., M.Si., Ak., advised the supervising lecturers to coordinate the internship schedule to be implemented after the Final Semester Exams. The supervising lecturers facilitated this by sending letters to the PIC of each directorate in the Ministry of Finance regarding the adjustment of the internship schedule.

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