UNDIP Rector Appreciates the Achievements of UKM PSHT

The Rector of Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., received a visit from several students who are members of the UNDIP PSHT (Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate) student organization in his office on Wednesday (22/5). The students were accompanied by the UKM advisor, Dr. Ir. Abdul Syakur, S.T., M.T., IPU; the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Edy Surahmad, S.Pd., M.Si.; and the Student Affairs Manager, Muhammad Muntafi’, S.Sos.

Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si. congratulated the students on their achievements. “This accomplishment is a source of pride and motivation to continue achieving,” said the Rector of UNDIP.

The UKM PSHT UNDIP’s achievements are not merely in the field of sports but also reflect the spirit, dedication, and hard work instilled in each team member.

On this occasion, Ardian, the Chairman of the PSHT student organization, reported on the outstanding achievements of the UKM PSHT team at the 2024 Jakarta National Championship 2. He explained that the UNDIP PSHT team won 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 7 bronze medals in the competition.

The meeting was not only a platform to celebrate success but also a forum to discuss the next steps in supporting the students’ development and achievements.

Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si. emphasized the university’s commitment to continuing to support all student organizations and UNDIP students in pursuing excellence and higher achievements.

This moment marks not only a remarkable achievement but also a starting point for further progress for the UKM PSHT and all UNDIP students. The fighting spirit and solidarity reflected in this achievement will inspire other fellow students.

Here is the list of students who won at the 2024 Jakarta National Championship 2:

Gold Medals:

– Ardian Syahputra (Faculty of Law)

– Alya Audina Rustandi (Faculty of Law)

– Achmad Romy Fatchi Aydin (Faculty of Engineering)


Silver Medals:

– Naufal Rafif Nugroho (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science)

– Muhammad Rafif Noval (Vocational School)

– Elga Anggelya Sari (Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences)


Bronze Medals:

– Maulana Giri Cipta Pradana (Vocational School)

– Muhammad Tondi Nasution (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science)

– Nadya Kusuma Anjani (Faculty of Engineering)

– Defani Alisya Putri (Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences)

– Aprilia Handhina Wulan Dari (Vocational School)

– Rifqi Firmawan (Faculty of Economics and Business)

– Bagas Dwinov Ramadhan (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science)



– Dr. Ir. Abdul Syakur, S.T., M.T., IPU



– Gregorius Tsiompah

(UKM PSHT Team, ed. Ut-PR)

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