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UNDIP Facilitates Coaching Clinic for 47 PKM Teams

A total of 47 teams from 8 PKM fields at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) that passed funding were given the opportunity to consult through the Coaching Clinic for the Preparation of Progress Reports, Interim Outputs, and Draft Presentations of the 2024 PK2P UNDIP at Patra Hotel on Thursday, July 4, 2024. This Coaching Clinic was organized to review the achievements of each PKM team in preparing their reports.

The event was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, the Director and Deputy Directors for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, the Manager of Student Affairs, and the Supervisor for Interest, Reasoning, and Achievement Development at Diponegoro University.

The Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., stated that students can enhance their quality through activities outside of lectures, including PIMNAS.

“UNDIP must facilitate so that what you (students) target and dream of can be achieved,” he emphasized.

He also advised all UNDIP PKM teams to follow the applicable guidelines so that the External Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) yields maximum results.

In the report delivered by the Director of Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Prof. Dr.nat.tech. Siswo Sumardiono, S.T., M.T., this Coaching Clinic was the second one after the first in mid-June. “The hope is that the targeted outputs can be achieved soon from this second Coaching Clinic,” he said.

A total of 213 students divided into 47 teams and 8 PKM fields at UNDIP will upload their PKM reports on July 15-20 and face External Monev from Dikti from July 20 to August 3, 2024. Of these 47 proposals, it is hoped that they will pass the 34th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) to be held at Airlangga University on October 16-20, 2024. (Sahila-Public Relations)

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