UNDIP Rector Greets International Students

The International Office of Diponegoro University (IO UNDIP) held an International Students Gathering event, which was attended by the Rector of UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., at the Rector’s Meeting Room in the Widya Puraya Building, UNDIP Tembalang (Tuesday, 7/5).

A total of 53 international students from various countries participated, including students from China, Laos, Vietnam, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Morocco, the United States, the Netherlands, Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Panama.

This occasion introduced the new Rector of Diponegoro University for the 2024-2029 period, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., who was inaugurated at the end of April. It also introduced the new structural officials at the International Office, namely Pulung Widhi Hari Hananto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., who has been appointed as the Head of the International Office, and Abdul Rohman, S.Hum., as the Deputy Head of the International Office.

In addition to striving to realize UNDIP’s vision of becoming a World-Class University, UNDIP continues to enhance its best services for students, including international students. This meeting also served as a sharing session to discuss various issues (obstacles and challenges) faced by international students during their studies at UNDIP. In the future, responses, follow-ups, and even solutions from the relevant parties will be obtained.

Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., warmly welcomed the international students and officially opened the event. The UNDIP Rector expressed his gratitude for the student’s participation and encouraged them to remain enthusiastic during their studies in Indonesia. “Once again, I say welcome to UNDIP. Thank you for choosing UNDIP and joining one of the largest, superior, and excellent universities in Indonesia,” said Prof. Suharnomo cordially.

As of now, the total number of international students actively studying at UNDIP is approximately 1,215. Pulung Widhi Hari Hananto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., and Abdul Rohman, S.Hum, then mediated the discussion session with international students.

Some of the obstacles faced by international students include issues related to the visa and residence permit process, detailed breakdowns of UNDIP scholarship regulations, requirements and conditions for international student graduation, dormitories, improved communication services with international students, involvement of international students in campus activities, support for international students, and the sustainability or management of international students (alumni groups or large groups for international students). (DHW-Public Relations)

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