An Inspirational and Dedicated Professor of the Regional and Urban Planning UNDIP

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nany Yuliastuti, MSP, a distinguished professor of the Department of Regional and Urban Planning (DPWK) at the Faculty of Engineering at Diponegoro University (FT UNDIP), specializing in Regional and Urban Planning Science, has entered her retirement era. In appreciation of her service, contributions, and dedication as a lecturer for 42 years and 5 months, DPWK organized a farewell event in the form of a Sarasehan Retirement Ceremony for DPWK Professors on Saturday, July 20, 2024, in Room B.201 (Seminar Room), Building B, 2nd Floor, DPWK FT UNDIP, Tembalang Campus.

This event is a form of appreciation from the Department of Regional and Urban Planning UNDIP to honor the career and dedication of Prof. Dr. Ir. Nany Yuliastuti, MSP, who has inspired many students and colleagues. UNDIP highly values her contributions, which have helped elevate the university’s reputation both nationally and internationally.

Present at the Sarasehan event was the Secretary of the City of Semarang, who is also the Chairman of the Alumni Association of S2 MPWK UNDIP, Ir. Izswar Aminuddin, M.T.; Head of Bappeda Medan, Benny Iskandar S.T., M.T.; Department of Public Works for Water Resources and Spatial Planning of Central Java Province, Hari Adi Agus Setiawan, S.T., M.T.; Colleagues from the Semarang City Development Advisory Council (DP2K) and the Professional Expert Team of the Semarang City Spatial Planning Department.

Also in attendance were former Deputy Mayor of Semarang, Drs. Mahfudz Ali M.Si.; Rector of Dian Nuswantoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom; Colleagues from the Semarang City Government, several retired lecturers from DPWK UNDIP; colleagues from the Department of PWK FT UNDIP; colleagues from the Faculty of Engineering, DPWK FT UNDIP alumni, and friends.

In her speech, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, S.T., M.T., M.P.S., Head of the Department of Regional and Urban Planning UNDIP and representing the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, expressed the highest appreciation and gratitude to Prof. Nany Yuliastuti for her service, contributions, commitment, loyalty, and hard work in spreading knowledge to students and her dedication to the institution’s development. She is an inspiring role model for her academic achievements as a Professor, particularly in the field of Sustainable Settlements.

“Entering Prof. Nany’s retirement era, it is our duty as her successors in the Department of Regional and Urban Planning, part of the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP, to continue to develop and make tangible contributions at the city level, the surrounding region in Central Java, nationally, and globally,” she said.

Izswar Aminuddin, in his pre-event speech, mentioned that on behalf of the Semarang City Government, he expressed his immense gratitude to Prof. Nany for the close relationship between UNDIP and the Semarang City Government. “UNDIP has provided invaluable contributions to the city of Semarang, especially to its people. We also express our highest appreciation to Prof. Nany for her extraordinary dedication and service to UNDIP and the Semarang City Government, including its residents,” said Izswar.

“Retirement does not mean the end of service to the nation and state, as the essence of life is the value of benefits to society. We hope that Prof. Nany will continue to contribute due to her high dedication to knowledge and maintaining communication with the Semarang City Government to address issues in infrastructure, environment, socio-economics, and culture,” he explained.

Prof. Nany expressed her hope that such Sarasehan forums would inspire alumni and young lecturers in the Department of Regional & Urban Planning to strive for the highest levels in their fields. “May the knowledge we possess benefit our community and environment. As the famous philosopher Confucius said, ‘It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop,'” said Prof. Nany.

She also expressed her profound gratitude to everyone who has supported her, especially her fellow lecturers, educators, and students, for their fellowship, which made her feel comfortable working in the cohesive and harmonious Department of Regional and Urban Planning family. “I pray for the continued success and greatness of our Department,” she added.

Prof. Nany, born in Banjarmasin on July 17, 1954, is known for her dedication to education, research, and community service. She has significantly contributed to the development of spatial planning in Indonesia.

Prof. Nany earned her Doctorate (Dr) in Architecture and Urban Studies from Diponegoro University in 2015. She previously completed her Master’s degree (S2) in Regional and Urban Planning at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1991. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from UNDIP in 1981.

Prof. Nany’s career as a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at UNDIP began in 1982, coinciding with the formation of the Regional and Urban Planning Study Program, now renamed the Department of Regional & Urban Planning. In 1992, she was appointed Secretary of the Study Program. She was later trusted to be the Head of the Department of Regional & Urban Planning.

In 2000, when the Master’s Program in Regional and Urban Development Engineering (MTPK) was established, Prof. Nany was tasked with becoming the Secretary of the program. She then served as the Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Engineering for two terms.

In October 2017, Prof. Nany was inaugurated as a professor and has had the opportunity to become a member of Diponegoro University’s Board of Professors. Prof. Nany has also been highly active outside the campus, dedicating her time as a member of the Central Java Provincial Spatial Planning Forum, a member of the Semarang City Development Advisory Council since its beginning in 1990, and a member of the Professional Expert Team of the Semarang City Spatial Planning Department. (DHW-Public Relations)

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