UNDIP Rector’s Message: Keep Learning and Growing!

The Rector of Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., handed over Appointment Letters (SK) to hundreds of prospective civil servant (CPNS) lecturers within UNDIP. The handover ceremony took place at the Muladi Dome on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

The Vice Rector for Resources, Dr. Warsito Kawedar, S.E., M.Si., Akt, witnessed the ceremony. The Vice Rector for Communication and Business, the Deans of faculties and schools, and the heads of departments within UNDIP also attended.

In his speech, Prof. Suharnomo expressed his gratitude to the CPNS for choosing UNDIP as a place to grow and serve. He also advised all CPNS to continuously develop their skills, emphasizing that being a lecturer is a profession that is constantly observed and emulated by students.

“The intention to serve as a lecturer involves two filters: the first is technical competence, and the second is being a role model. Being excellent in competence, substance, and material is important, but if you cannot be a model for students, it will be problematic. Therefore, it’s not just about hard skills; you also need to develop soft skills and other abilities,” he stated.

Prof. Suharnomo also elaborated on UNDIP’s new tagline: #UNDIPBermanfaat and #UNDIPBermartabat. He hoped that the CPNS would embody these two principles. “Recently, we provided a desalination machine in Jepara. The community’s response was positive. This aligns with what we aim for in our new tagline,” explained Prof. Suharnomo.

The Rector expressed his hope that the newly appointed CPNS lecturers would continue to inspire students. “Be a lecturer who is worthy of being followed and emulated. Keep learning and growing. Be an outstanding lecturer and continue to inspire our students,” urged the UNDIP Rector. (Hng-Public Relations)

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