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Faculty of Medicine UNDIP Pays Attention to Adolescent Mental Health

In response to the increasing phenomenon of mental health issues, particularly among adolescents, the Community Service Team from the Faculty of Medicine at Diponegoro University, in collaboration with MA Darut Taqwa Semarang, organized a mental health screening and training event for teenagers on July 18, 2024, at the MA Darut Taqwa auditorium in Semarang.

This event aimed to raise awareness among teenagers about the importance of mental health and to equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge to maintain their mental well-being. Ns. Sri Padma Sari, S.Kep., MNS., Ph.D., the head of the event, emphasized that mental health education should start early and involve all parties, including schools and families. “Mental health is integral to overall health. We need to create an environment that supports the mental health of teenagers, where they feel safe to talk about their feelings and get the support they need,” said Ns. Padma.

The event involved around 90 students from MA Darut Taqwa, ranging from 10th to 12th grade. Several teachers also participated in the mental health training. The goal was to ensure that everyone in the school could contribute to improving mental health and preventing mental health disorders among teenagers.

The event began with a mental health screening session, where the teenagers filled out questionnaires designed to identify early signs of mental health issues. The results of this screening provided an overview of the mental health status of teenagers, particularly at MA Darut Taqwa. One of the psychiatrists involved in the screening, Dr. Widodo Sarjana A.S., M.K.M., Sp.KJ., stated that screening is a crucial step in preventing mental health disorders. Through screening, we can detect early signs and symptoms of mental health problems and provide appropriate interventions before the issues become more serious.

The next activity involved presentations by speakers specializing in health. The speakers included Dr. Widodo Sarjana A.S., M.K.M., Sp.KJ., a specialist in psychiatry, and nursing specialists such as Ns. Sri Padma Sari, S.Kep., MNS., Ph.D.; Ns. Diyan Yuli Wijayanti, S.Kep., M.Kep.; Ns. Nana Rochana, S.Kep., MNS.; and Ns. Nur Hafizhah Widyaningtyas, S.Kep., M.Kep. Each speaker covered various topics, including adolescent mental health, stress and coping, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse among teenagers. The interactive workshops allowed the teenagers to learn through simulations and hands-on practice. They were taught relaxation techniques and effective ways to prevent and manage mental health issues that occur among teenagers.

One participant enthusiastically expressed the event’s benefits: “I now understand the importance of mental health and how to manage stress well.”

The event concluded with the distribution of mental health guidebooks for teenagers containing practical information and resources they can access. It is hoped that similar activities will continue to be held regularly in various regions to reach more teenagers and help them grow into mentally and physically healthy individuals.

By: Laela Nur Nabilah, Hasna Kurnia Okta Muna

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