UNDIP’s Participation Breaks MURI Record in the 2024 Eco Enzyme Festival

Diponegoro University (UNDIP), recognized as the 2nd Most Sustainable University in Indonesia according to the UI GreenMetric rankings for four consecutive years from 2020-2023, remains committed to preserving nature and maintaining ecosystem balance. In preparation for the upcoming Eco Enzyme Festival 2024 on August 17, 2024, UNDIP, in collaboration with Universitas Indonesia and 40 other universities in Indonesia, plans to set a MURI Record for the Most Universities Participating in Eco Enzyme Pouring in Indonesia. The Eco Enzyme Pouring at UNDIP will take place at the Diponegoro Education Reservoir in Semarang on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 15:00 WIB. The event will be led by the UNDIP Rector and attended by the Vice Rector for Communications and Business, Deans of Faculty/School, the National Coordinator of the UI GreenMetric World Ranking Network, the Head of the Reputation Office, the UNDIP Student Executive Board’s Environmental Division, the Oxygen 16 Student Activity Unit, and the KeSEMaT Marine Science organization of UNDIP.

The Eco Enzyme Festival 2024 is a regular event initiated by UI GreenMetric in 2021 involving universities within the UI GreenMetric Network. The Eco Enzyme Festival 2024 will be registered with the MURI Record for the Most Universities Participating in Eco Enzyme Pouring in Indonesia. The Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences at UNDIP has prepared 1,000 liters of multi-purpose eco enzyme liquid derived from the fermentation of processed organic waste, which is beneficial for accelerating the decomposition of organic materials.

The eco enzyme liquid will be poured sequentially, starting with the UNDIP Rector and his team and followed by all participants. It will be poured at two points: the water channel to preserve the reservoir and the water outlet to ensure the quality of water after it leaves the reservoir. Subsequently, the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences UNDIP team will pour the eco enzyme, and the reservoir area will be regularly monitored.

The UNDIP Rector, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., stated that UNDIP’s participation in breaking the MURI record is an excellent collaboration through the implementation of environmental conservation ideas. “I believe that environmental education is essential, and one way is through water purification, which makes aquatic life healthier. Hopefully, we can continue to improve environmental innovations. UNDIP fully supports and is part of the initiative to improve the environment and achieve the SDGs,” said the Rector.

The Head of the UNDIP Reputation Office, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, who also serves as the Coordinator of the UNDIP Eco Enzyme Festival, explained that the eco enzyme is helpful in improving the quality of the reservoir water, which is still not clear. In the future, efforts to enhance the ecosystem’s quality will continue so that the fish and other aquatic life in the reservoir will also have better quality. Prof. Hadiyanto explained, “The eco enzyme liquid used is the result of fermentation from organic waste of oranges and papayas. In line with UNDIP’s tagline ‘UNDIP Bermartabat, UNDIP Bermanfaat,’ let’s bring benefits not only to the community but also to the environment.”

The series of Eco Enzyme Pouring events at UNDIP also aims to socialize the use of eco enzymes to reduce pollution in aquatic areas and care for the marine ecosystem. It also aims to implement UNDIP’s vision as a ‘Green and Sustainable Campus’ and increase UNDIP’s visibility and recognition within the UI GreenMetric World Ranking Network (UIGWRN). (Titis/Sahila – Public Relations)

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