UNDIP (Monday, January 6, 2025) – The Institute of Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat / LPPM) of Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) once again organized the Deployment Ceremony for the Regular Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata / KKN) Team I for the Academic Year 2024/2025. This event took place at the Muladi Dome, UNDIP Tembalang Campus, Prof. Sudarto Road No. 13, Tembalang, Semarang.
This activity represents UNDIP’s commitment to implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, particularly in the aspect of community service. The KKN Team I for the 2024/2025 academic year aligns with UNDIP’s program theme: “Empowering Local Resources Through KKN Students to Help Eradicate Poverty and Achieve Sustainable Food Security.”
The Rector of UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., delivered an inspiring speech to the 2,232 KKN student participants. In his remarks, Prof. Suharnomo emphasized the importance of collaboration and innovation in carrying out the KKN program as a tangible contribution by students to the development of communities in various regions.
Furthermore, Prof. Suharnomo advised the KKN students, who are deployed to 225 villages across 22 sub-districts in 8 regencies/cities in Central Java Province, to uphold UNDIP’s reputation and safeguard it. Students are expected to act as agents of change, bringing positive impacts to the community and strengthening the relationship between the university and society.
“Local communities have their own and don’ts. KKN students must stay in touch with their supervising lecturers and practice self-control,” said Prof. Suharnomo.
UNDIP Rector also emphasized that the key to a successful program lies in the student’s ability to communicate effectively, build confidence, possess a good grasp of their knowledge, and deliver it to the community. Only then should the work programs be discussed thoroughly. He acknowledged that KKN students cannot resolve all community problems. Still, he noted that positive outcomes recognizable by the community would be the benchmark for the success of the program.
“Respect local wisdom, communicate properly, and avoid actions that might inconvenience or harm yourselves, your KKN group, UNDIP in general, or the surrounding community. Hopefully, during the 30-40 days of the KKN program, students can bring goodness to themselves and uphold UNDIP’s tagline of being Noble and Valuable,” advised Prof. Suharnomo.
Additionally, a report on the implementation of KKN was presented by the Head of the Community Service Center (Pusat Pelayanan Kuliah Kerja Nyata / P2KKN), Adnan Fauzi, S.T., M.Kom. In his report, Adnan provided details on preparations, placement locations, and the focus of KKN work programs.
“Today, UNDIP is deploying 2,232 students for KKN Team I of the 2024/2025 academic year. The KKN program involves 8-10 students per village, with each group comprising students from three different faculties. The KKN locations include the regencies/cities of Pekalongan, Batang, Wonosobo, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Sragen, Wonogiri, and Surakarta,” said Adnan.
“A total of 86 students are participating in the Thematic KKN program focusing on optimizing Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for school children, a collaboration between UNDIP and UNICEF in Brebes Regency and Pekalongan City,” he added.
Other planned activities or work programs include developing village master plans (covering village potential, development plans, or social mapping), establishing tourism awareness groups, addressing health issues and SDGs, and implementing appropriate technology for community use.
“The KKN Team I program for the 2024/2025 academic year also collaborates with other institutions, such as Satpol PP Jawa Tengah and the Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Wilayah in the region of Jawa Tengah and DIY, with the program ‘Gempur Rokok Ilegal’ Campaign (Fight Against Illegal Cigarettes),” concluded Adnan. (DHW)