UNDIP and PT Siam Flotilla Persada Collaborate to Implement Innovative Anti-Erosion Technology on the Coastal Area of Demak Regency

Semarang, January 31, 2025 – PT Siam Flotilla Persada and Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement on Friday (31/01) at the Rector’s Meeting Room, 2nd floor of Widya Puraya Building, UNDIP Tembalang Campus. This initiative aims to strengthen synergy in education, research, and community service in line with the Tri Dharma of higher education.

The MoU outlines a strategic collaboration for the development of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, further reinforced by two key cooperation agreements. The first agreement focuses on a partnership between PT Siam Flotilla Persada and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNDIP to support the development and protection of coastal areas using environmentally friendly technology in Demak Regency, Jawa Tengah. The second agreement involves the UNDIP Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Center, aiming to enhance similar sustainability initiatives in the region.

In his speech, UNDIP Rector Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si. expressed his full support for the collaboration between UNDIP and PT Siam Flotilla Persada. “This collaboration supports UNDIP’s coastal development program,” said the Rector. He emphasized that UNDIP, under the tagline “Noble and Valuable UNDIP,” is committed to advancing knowledge and research that directly benefits society rather than remaining confined to laboratories and academic publications.

The Rector highlighted several UNDIP researchers whose work has had a significant impact on society. Examples include the rob (tidal flood) calendar developed by Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho Sugianto, S.T., M.Si., which helps coastal communities anticipate tidal floods; research conducted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Munasik, M.Sc. regarding the coral reef restoration and coastal protection; and Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Widiasa, S.T., M.T.’s seawater desalination technology, which provides drinking water solutions for the northern coast of Jawa Island.

“Collaboration between academia and industry is a concrete step toward implementing university research into real-world innovations and solutions that benefit the government and society,” stated Prof. Suharnomo.

He further stressed, “Universities must continuously challenge themselves to provide solutions and solve real-world problems actively.”

Meanwhile, Andy Hartayo, Director of PT Siam Flotilla Persada, emphasized the company’s commitment to sustainable coastal management solutions. “This collaboration reflects our dedication to providing innovative and sustainable coastal management solutions. Through our synergy with UNDIP, we aim to demonstrate that environmentally friendly technology can be a key factor in preserving coastal ecosystems while delivering tangible benefits to surrounding communities,” he said. “We believe this small step can be the beginning of a much larger change in the future.”

Flotilla Abrasion Defense System (FADS): An Innovation for Sustainable Coasts

  • A key innovation in this collaboration is the Flotilla Abrasion Defense System (FADS), designed to protect coastal areas from erosion by mimicking the natural function of mangrove ecosystems. FADS offers several advantages, including: Abrasion Mitigation – FADS reduces the impact of ocean waves and coastal erosion, stabilizing shorelines and promoting sediment accumulation in muddy beaches.
  • Eco-Friendly Materials of the Flotilla Abrasion Defense System (FADS) – Made from non-toxic, environmentally safe materials that do not pollute coastal ecosystems.
  • Ecosystem Restoration Contribution – By enhancing sediment accumulation, FADS supports the restoration of coastal ecosystems and biodiversity conservation.
  • Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation – This technology serves as part of climate change adaptation efforts, protecting vulnerable coastal communities while preserving ecosystems.

This strategic collaboration is expected to provide tangible benefits for coastal management in Demak Regency while serving as a model for sustainable partnerships between academia and industry. With an environmentally friendly technology approach, this initiative not only supports coastal protection but also contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Beyond improving the quality of life for coastal communities and promoting environmental sustainability, this collaboration represents a long-term strategic synergy between higher education institutions and industry in addressing increasingly complex environmental challenges. (PT Siam Flotilla Persada & UNDIP Media Relations)

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