UNDIP’s Professor Talk: Competent Human Resources to Support a World-Class University

The Board of Professors at Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) organized a webinar titled UNDIP’s Professor Talk on the theme “Enhancing Human Resource Capacity to Achieve the World-Class University Target.” The event was conducted via Zoom meeting and broadcast live on UNDIPTV’s YouTube channel on Friday (31/1).

The webinar featured three distinguished speakers: Prof. Dr. Dra. Naili Farida, M.Si. (Professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNDIP), Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU. (Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, UNDIP), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si. (Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret). Prof. Dr. Yuliani Setyaningsih, S.KM., M.Kes moderated the discussion. (Member of Commission D, UNDIP Board of Professors).

Prof. Naili Farida presented on “Human Resources Competency Strategy in Achieving the World-Class University Target.” She emphasized that faculty performance must align with the Tri Dharma of higher education: education, research, and community service. Faculty members must balance teaching (12–16 credit hours), research (journal publications, conferences, and international seminars), and community service (journal publications, intellectual property rights). “We must dedicate our energy and thoughts to making contributions at UNDIP, and I hope we can improve and accelerate our academic performance,” she stated.

Prof. Hadiyanto discussed initiatives to support the achievement of World- Class University (WCU) targets. He highlighted that fulfilling Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) requires contributions from all human resources—faculty, students, and academic staff—as part of a support system. “Enhancing HR capacity involves research and publications, international mobility, international collaboration, Ph.D. degrees, research visibility, international community service, and media exploration,” he explained.

Prof. Wahyudi Sutopo elaborated on “The Process of Implementing Human Resource Capacity and Competency Enhancement.” He emphasized that quality higher education produces excellent human resources and impactful innovation. Impactful innovations stem from excellent research conducted by outstanding researchers who follow a well-structured research roadmap. Critical thinking, scientific culture, and academic freedom are key elements in shaping a strong academic environment. He noted that academic culture is a prerequisite for HR competency enhancement and faculty career progression, which should align with an institution’s scientific vision and mission differentiation.

“A collective of academic leaders in an institution, possessing a strong scientific vision and mission differentiation. It can drive the achievement of WCU KPIs and contribute to the realization of Indonesia Emas 2045 (Golden Indonesia 2045),” he concluded. (LW)

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