“Alumni Lecture” For Arousing Students’ Entrepreneurial Motivation

Every year Diponegoro University (Undip) has been passing around 10,000 graduates. Therefore, a lot of Undip alumni have spreaded all over Indonesia. For increasing alumni’s contribution to their alma mater, it is needed to involve them in campus activities, such as sharing work experiences for adding students’ knowledges on world of work.

To realize the activity, Directorate of Alumni Communication and Connection worked together with Bureau of Students Administration held “1st Alumni Lecture”. In this program, alumni can share  experience and success stories of their careers. Hopefully, it can motivate students to develop their skills. Alumni can also give students some advice to get ready to enter world of work.

Details of “Alumni Lecture” program as the following:

Theme: “Arousing Undip Students’  Entrepreneurial Motivation”

Speakers: 1.      Ir. Setyo Maharso (Property Entrepreneur), 2.      Syanaz Nadya W.P, SH (Owner of Rorokenes, a handmade bag shop in Semarang)

Director of Alumni Communication and Connection Drs. Mujid F Amin, M.Pd said that Undip invite two speakers who have good entrepreneurial competences to develop student’s potentials which is hoped to be successful entrepreneurs, not only to be employees.

In his speech, Vice Rector III Budi Setiyono said that Undip had been appointed by government to be an independent university and be fully PTNBH (Legal Entity State University)

Furthermore, Budi said government also hoped Undip to enhance nation reputation in international relationships.

“Therefore, ‘Alumni Lecture’ activity is to make sure that the mindset can be realized. Beside that, alumni can give tips of what has to be done by student to get success in world of work,” Budi said.

Budi said that students at Undip divided in two groups. One group is ‘job seeker’-students and the rest is students who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills. For job seeker-students, Undip has facilitated them by Undip Career Center. And for students who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills, Undip facilitates them by Directorate of Alumni Communication and Connection partnered with Alumni to build Undip Community Business,” he said.

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