UNDIP Conducts Socialization and Promotion of SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Exam at SMA Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Magelang
UNDIP, Semarang (February 13) – The Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (Lembaga Pengembangan dan
UNDIP, Semarang (February 13) – The Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (Lembaga Pengembangan dan
UNDIP, Semarang (February 12) – Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) continues its commitment to community engagement through the
Semarang, UNDIP (February 12) – Students from Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) participating in the Community Service Program
UNDIP, Semarang (February 12) – Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) continues to introduce admission pathways to prospective