Kadareka Socialization as a Collaborative Bridge between UNDIP Researchers and the Industry

Kedaireka is the latest solution in realizing the ease of synergizing the contribution of universities with industrial commercialization for the progress of the Indonesian nation. This is in line with the vision of the Independent Campus program by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Matching Fund is a tangible form of support from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia for the creation of collaboration and strategic synergy between Dikti Personnel (higher education institutions) and the industry. The allocation of funds in 2021 is a total of IDR 250 billion, Matching Fund is one of the added values of the formation of collaboration between the two parties through the Kedaireka platform. This Matching Fund support is prioritized for collaboration that contributes to the achievement of 8 (eight) Key Performance Indicators of Higher Education. For this reason, Diponegoro University carried out the Kedaireka Socialization activity as a collaborative bridge for cooperation between Undip researchers and industry by online.

In line with that, the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., said in his opening speech that “the Kedaireka program is a program that was launched last year and is a very good program to bring together researchers as inventors of innovation with the industrial world who need the results of these innovations. For Diponegoro University itself, this can be used to participate in providing solutions in solving problems faced by industry”.

Furthermore, he said that, “Although in 2021 Undip only received 8 Matching Fund funding, and this is a smaller number than other universities, this can be an encouragement or motivation for all Undip researchers in the next year. The results of the visitation of Kedaireka assessors, 3 Undip Matching Fund programs showed a good impression and result of what the Undip researchers had done.

He hoped that this socialization event can assist researchers to register or submit Matching Fund proposals, so that Diponegoro University is able to downstream the innovations from researchers that can benefit society and the industrial world. Prof. Ambariyanto also expressed his gratitude to the speakers, committee, and participants who attended and helped make this event a success.

This event was also chaired by the Director of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation of Diponegoro University, drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, PhD., who acted as moderator assisted by Dr. I Made Bayu Dirgantara, S.E., M.M. and supported by the Innovation Team (Mas Anantha Budhi Prakosa, ST, M.Sc.; Novian Rustamaji, S.Kom.; Yuni Nurjanah, SS., MA; and other members of the Innovation Team). This event was attended by around 200 (two hundred) participants from Diponegoro University lecturers/researchers.

In this Kedaireka socialization event, drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, PhD. said that as a Technology Transfer Office (TTO), the Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation of Diponegoro University has the task of providing services in improving innovation performance and downstream performance. Patents, Copyrights, and other Intellectual Property Rights should immediately be released, commercialized, and cooperated. For this reason, through this Kedaireka program as a matchmaking agency, a bridge for researchers to downstream and commercialize their research results to the industrial world (DUDI).

One of the aims of this activity is to accelerate the downstreaming of research results to industry. It was proven that 8 Undip innovators were able to get MF funds from Higher Education in the form of incentive funds used for collaboration with the industrial world, one of which was Dr. Diana Nur Afifah, S.TP., M.Sc.

As the first resource person at this socialization event, the Director General of Higher Education, Drs. Endang Taryono (Intermediate Expert Policy Analyst) delivered an introduction about 8 independent campus policies; transformation of 8 Key Performance Indicators (IKU); and Kedaireka 2022 in encouraging universities as think-tanks creators of science, technology and innovation through research that can be commercialized by the business world and industry (DUDI) which has an impact on national development. In addition, he also conveyed in details the description of the program of the company, working methods, partnership patterns, goals, scope, selection stages, assessment criteria, completeness of the Maching Fund proposal, requirements and proposal flow.

Meanwhile, according to Arif Darmawan, S.T., M.M. (PT Inasentra Unistatya), the process of determining strategy in the industrial world goes through several paths, starting from a SWOT analysis; Strategy Selection; Strategy Implications; Financial, Customer, Internal Process and Lean stages. Not all strategic implications can be faced by Industry, due to limited resources. And generally these implications relate to Cost Reduction, Technology, Efficiency, Innovation and Product Development.

Arif Darmawan also said that there were still several problems faced by DUDI, namely: technological disruption in the Industry 4.0 era, where everything was automated and online. Besides that, there has also been a change in consumer patterns, due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. An increased costs as well as limited regulations by the bureaucracy are also being problems. “The KEDAIREKA program can be the answer to these problems,” he said.

The event was also attended by resource persons from Undip (Researcher from the Faculty of Medicine) Dr. Diana Nur Afifah, S.TP., M.Si, who delivered the material entitled “The Road Towards Downstreaming through Kedaireka Matching Fund”. She explained about the technical aspects of preparing a complete, structured and attractive Matching Fund proposal that must comply with the drafting rules determined by DIKTI. This includes the roadmap and program design, program implementation methods, program beneficiaries, outcomes and contributions to the 8 KPIs, Budget Plan, Schedule and completeness of attachments. (Admin-YN)

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