Variative Products of KKN Students Increase Local Potential

(15 Februari)

Recently KKN Students Undip Team I held an innovation product Expo and UMKM in Gunung wungkal, Central Java, Thursday (2/14). The event was opened by Pati Regent, H. Haryanto, SH., MM., M.Sc. accompanied by a representative from Diponegoro University, Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, ST., MT as Director of Innovation and Development of Research Results and Head of Gunung wungkal District, Mr. Eko Purwanto, S.Sos.

In his greeting, Pati Regent, Mr. H. Haryanto, SH., MM., M.Sc. expressed his gratitude with the presence of Undip KKN students who helped improve community skills and regional potential. He further said that: “in principle the KKN program is very helpful in community empowerment and the existing potential, such as rambutan seeds which can be processed into chips that tastes good and has attractive packaging. Also helps with governance or village administration. And by joining with the community can provide encouragement and enthusiasm for the community to further work and develop regional potential.” He also said that He hoped that the products and innovations of KKN students could synergize with UMKM Forum of Pati to further improve products and quality.

Representing Diponegoro University, Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, ST., MT as Director of Innovation and Development of Research Results expressed his gratitude for the welcome and participation of the residents in the Undip Student Community Service Program. He hopes more and more innovations can come from students in order to further capitalize the region’s potential.

There are 15 booths in the expo held from each sub-district and villages as well as UMKM. The products include: Mbah Sentono’s web blog, tomb history book, environmental health module from the Gunung wungkal village KKN Team. Durian rind briquettes, liquid organic fertilizer based on rice washing water from the Gajihan village KKN Team. Synergizing with PKK Gadu Sambirejo village in processing waste as a medium for making village parks. Also the use of coffee grounds and palm oil which produces soap products from coffee grounds by the Community Service Team in Sidomulyo village. There are still many other products on display that are able to improve the skills of local communities and regional potential.

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