What do You Need to do During WFH Until New Normal?

During a pandemic like this let alone about to enter New Normal, there are actually a lot of things that need to be done. Moreover, when you have lot of free time and stiff (nothing to do).

As an example, trying to develop soft skills, including programming, making vlogs, writing, and others.

Or also partaking in an internship or become a freelancer in order to earn extra income.

The fact is there are many more things that can be done, it also depends on what you like. Personally, I prefer to learn things that can provide income, and learn new things such as Financial Planning, Investment, and Business. Even though I took an Electronic study program, I still need to study all those other things for the sake of preparation when working later.

So why do we have to study Financial Planning?

Actually, there are many reasons why I study Financial Planning, and you guys may as well have to study this too. I myself once made an article entitled “Kenapa Financial Planning Itu Penting?”.  Actually, on what have been written on that article there might still be a piece of the reason why I learned it.

So why the heck, we should probably be obliged to study Financial Planning? It is because we don’t know in the future what we will do for the Financial. Because according to the data that I have read and studied, Financial problems really affect our psychological self, because our Financial can be stressful, resulting in many thoughts and others. To the extent that we become rather lazy to work because there is financial pressure.

In my article entitled “Hanya 1 dari 10 orang di Indonesia Aware Dana Pensiun” also briefly discuss about Financial Stress from the data that I have collected.

So, a Financial Planning is something that is must be studied so that we can achieve Financial Freedom. Financial Freedom is something that can ease our uneasiness and worry about Financial problems. The point is that we have to have an emergency fund when there are sudden events and have savings when we want this, there and so many things hehehe.

Moreover, if we are married, have children, and our children want to go to college, the tuition fees are already huge now. We have the funds to prepare for our children’s tuition later. That’s why you have to study Financial Planning.

By learning Financial Planning, there are also some more benefits that we can get, such as how we have a Grand Design for the future, and many other things.

Emily G Stroud said.

“If You Take Control of Your Finances Today, Then You Won’t Be A Victim of Them Tomorrow and Don’t Think of Saving Money as A punishment. Think of Saving Money asA Lifestlye Change and A Means to Freedom”

Why do we have to learn about investment as well?

Investment is one of the stages or lessons in Financial Planning, from Financial Planning itself we are required to be diligent in saving for Financial Freedom. The point is don’t be wasteful.

But if only saving, for example in a piggy bank or stored in a bank. it is likely that the value will not be the same in the future period. The meaning of value here is the price of goods now will not be the same as the price of goods to come. That is called Inflation.

Investment itself is one way of saving, but the difference is that saving in investment means we buy a company’s assets or debt securities or others, which its value grows due to interest or capital gains. So that we might not be trapped by inflation.

For investment instruments or similar types of investment products. There are: Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds / Debt Securities, Deposits, Gold, Land, P2P Lending, Forex / Valas, and Cryptocurrents. Actually, there are still many more, but I have not learned them like Venture Capital.

For each investment product itself it has its own risks, some are low, some are high, and that affects the return that we will get as well. According to the principle, namely High Risk-High Return, Low Risk-Low Return.

According to Robert Kiyoshi, investment is.

“Don’t Work for Money, Make It Work for You”

The point is, let the money do the work for you, but before investing make sure that at least we already have income or getting an income to invest.

On the other two things above there are also things that are related to be learned in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, such as Big Data, Data Science, Data Analyst, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligent, and others.

So here is something interesting, according to our President, Mr. Joko Widodo and other high-ranking officials from other countries, they said “Data is the New Oil”. So, maybe this is one thing that we might have to be learned. Because it is most likely that many people need HR who have soft skills in IT.

Why do we need to learn IT?

By the way, this IT is not a clown horror movie, yes? IT or Information Technology or simply a Programming is one thing that needs to be learned, it doesn’t have to be able to, at least understand about Technology and how it works. There are also many economists or business people who understand very well about technology up to the point where they can apply it or adopt it or who can program it do not necessarily understand.

For technology itself, there are many branches, including: IoT (Internet of Thinks), Big Data, Data Science, BlockChain, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligent, Fuzzy Logic, Quantum Processing, and others.

All of these branches are probably very much needed by the company in the future and are highly sought after. Due to the Industrial Revolution 4.0, everything that needs to be done was done automation or with a robot / system that worked.

If a country has adopted the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, the country will move to the Society 5.0 phase. Which is where people are distracted by technology, to the point of being addicted to technology.

But, of the many jobs carried out automatically by a robot or system. There are still a lot of work that needs to be done by the performance of our brains manually.

More or less that is what we might need to do when WFH arrives at New Normal, which may relate to present and future conditions.

AUTHOR: Dwi Aji Prasetyo (UNDIP Student)

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