A Talk with The Attaché; Direct Interaction with Cross-Continent Indonesian Educational and Cultural Attachés

On Thursday, March 18th 2021 via Zoom Platform, Diponegoro International Office (DIO) successfully held Webinar Series #2 with the theme “A Talk with The Attaché”. The resource persons are the Educational and Cultural Attachés at Indonesian Embassy, namely Dra. Veronica Enda Wulandari, M.Sc. (Educational and Cultural Attaché of Indonesian Embassy in Singapore) and Prof. Warsito (Educational and Cultural Attaché of Indonesian Embassy in Paris). The event was attended by participants who are not only from Indonesia but also from several countries in the world, such as England, France, Sudan, India, Singapore and Kazakhstan. The presence of participants with various backgrounds, namely Undip lecturers and students, Indonesian Student Representatives (Perwakilan Pelajar Indonesia), managers of International Office at universities throughout Indonesia and representatives from Indonesian Embassy, made the discussion as interactive talks.

“Thank you to Dra. Enda and Prof. Warsito who are present to be speakers in this event. As we know, COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for one year and it is causing big impacts, especially in the field of education. Innovations need to be made for higher education institutions, in order to adapt to new conditions and also continue to provide optimum service for students, both home students and international students. This event aims to exchange information regarding the handling of COVID-19 pandemic as well as study opportunities, scholarships and joint collaborations in Singapore and France,” said Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D. as Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs UNDIP in his remarks.

The event took place in two sessions, namely a session of material presentation from the speakers regarding the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore and France, opportunities for further study, and also the potential for collaboration with universities in each country. The second session conducted a discussion, which took place after the presentation of material from the speakers. In this discussion session, various questions and sharing of opinions and experiences are conveyed directly by the participants to the speakers. (AS)

Translated by: Titis (Humas)

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