Undip Student Executive Board will Hold Diponegoro Art Competition in 2021

The Student Executive Board of Diponegoro University will hold Diponegoro Art Competition or DAC in 2021 which is a work program for the Arts and Sports Sector. DAC is an annual competition that is regularly held at Diponegoro University as a forum for channeling the interests and talents of Undip students in the field of arts. The purpose of DAC is to find excellent talents to make the great name of Undip as later participated in events such as Regional Student Art Fair (Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Daerah / Peksimida) and Indonesia Student Art Fair (Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Indonesia / Peksiminas), and to make Indonesia proud. This is conveyed by Head of Committee of DAC 2021, Reyzza Anferditya.

“The theme of DAC on this year is Baskara Bhinneka Nusantara, Baskara which means the sun is defined as something that illuminates the darkness during a pandemic. Significant changes that exist, require us humans to be adaptive to life that is not constant. Bhinneka Nusantara refers to the diversity of cultures in Indonesia. When put together, Baskara Bhinneka Nusantara means that the sun is used as a bright spot for us to make changes or innovations to cultural diversity in the midst of uncertain conditions,” he explained.

Foto: Head of Committee of DAC 2021 (Reyzza Anferditya)

Reyzza said that the competitions to be competed are Male/Female Pop Cover Song, Male/Female Dangdut Cover Song, Male/Female Seriosa Cover Song, Male/Female Keroncong Cover Song, Poetry Writing, Short Story Writing, Male/Female Reading Poetry Play, Poster Design, Painting, Black and White Photography, Monologue, Comicstrip and Vocal Group.

He hopes that Diponegoro Art Competition 2021 will run well, although it must be held online but it will not eliminate the essence and enthusiasm of the participants when competing. “I believe that this year’s DAC can be one of the doors that opens our hope to be free to make arts. Whatever the result will be, believe me it is the best result of hard work that can be obtained by the participants. Competitive spirit for Young Artists!” he concluded enthusiastically. (Linda Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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