22 Patents Drafts Ready to Be Registered at Diponegoro University Patent Drafting Camp Batch 2

Semarang – Central Java (2/12). In an effort to attract more inventors and further increase the number of registered patents, the Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation together with the Innovation and Cooperation Bureau of Diponegoro University again held the “Patent Drafting Camp Batch 2” on Tuesday-Wednesday, November 22-23, 2022 at the Noormans Hotel, Semarang. This activity was attended by 22 chief inventors from lecturers, 13 inventors from lecturers and 9 inventors from Undip students.

The resource persons who attended the event were 7 people who had high competence in the fields of Chemistry, Mechanical, Biology and Electrical from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI), namely Rani Nuradi, S.Si., (Head of the Patent Examination Subdirectorate); dr. Sri Sulistiyani, M.Si. (Primary Patent Examiner); Ir. Azhar (Main Patent Examiner); Ir. Endang Yuliawan (Main Patent Examiner); Ir. Ikhsan, M.Si., ST., MT. (Primary Patent Examiner); Dwi Jatmiko Cahyono, S.T. (Intermediate Patent Examiner); Yuristiana Yudianti, S.H. (Intermediate Patent Examiner).

The event was also attended by Undip leaders consisting of the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Ymt. Head of Innovation and Cooperation Bureau, Director of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation, Deputy Director of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation, Innovation Manager, Supervisor of Intellectual Property Management, Supervisor of Downstream Research Results, and Undip Innovation staff.

This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation at Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. representing the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. who in his remarks expressed his gratitude for the support of invention works from Undip inventors in the form of patents and simple patents. They obtained the Certificate of Appreciation at the Top 10 Higher Education Award event with the Most Number of Patent Submissions, which was received on Monday, November 21, 2022 in Jakarta, where Undip was represented by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D.

The Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation of Undip also advised that lecturers as inventors at Undip could continue to involve their guidance students and be accompanied and escorted by the Innovation team (Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation and the Innovation Section). Thus they could continue to improve the results of their investment work in the form of Intellectual Property Rights at Diponegoro University, including Copyrights, Patents, Simple Patents, and Industrial Designs. It is also hoped that the existing patents will have economic value in the future and are ready to be commercialized.

In the activity report conveyed by drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Ph.D., although outreach regarding patents has been carried out at university and faculty levels in collaboration with DJKI, direct assistance/guidance activities for researchers to perfect the preparation of patent registration documents are urgently needed. By drafting a patent in accordance with the provisions in writing patent application claims, it is hoped that the substantive examination will run smoothly and there will be no revisions.

Rani Nuradi, S.Si., Head of the DJKI Patent Examination Sub-Directorate as one of the resource persons, conveyed the importance of making proper specifications in writing patent applications so that later the patents will be strong because in commercialization, the industry wants strong patent protection. Do not let the value of products weaken before they develop.

With this event, it is expected that registered patents will continue to increase in terms of quantity and quality because Diponegoro University is supported by a good research ecosystem and funding from the State Budget and Non-State Budget. The entire committee hoped that the material presented by the resource persons will be of benefit to all participants in the Patent Drafting Camp Batch 2.

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