UNDIP Consultant Team Presented 2023 NJOP Adjustment Study at BPKPAD of Batang Regency

The consultant team from Undip academics consisting of lecturers and students held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in the BPKPAD of Batang Regency meeting room on Friday, February 10, 2023. This presentation was the final session of the consultation on financial services which had been agreed upon by both parties at the end of the previous year. Undip consultant team members consist of Dr. Mahfudz, S.E., M.T. from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Singgih Saptadi, S.T., M.T. from the Faculty of Engineering, and Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M. from the Vocational School. This team is under the coordination of Herry Laksito, S.E., M.Adv. Acc., Akt., lecturer at the Faculty of Business Economics with tax expertise. This presentation also involved students from the PSDKU Batang Tax Administration D3 study program, namely Tsabita Via Sufika, Muhammad Adiyat Thariq, Rara Shofina and Mustafidah.

The event began with remarks by the head of the agency who was represented by the Head of Administration for PAD, Mochamad Rusdi, S.H., “I hope that the Head of Division and Head of Sub-Division can discuss critically in this presentation,” said Rusdi. The speech was responded to by an introductory presentation by FEB Undip academic, Mahfudz. “This is a continuation and final session of the agreed financial services expenditure and a form of Undip’s responsibility and contribution to the Batang Regency government,” explained Mahfudz.

Ropinov Saputro generally explained the overall study. As a member of the consultant team that handles field surveys and data collection, his presentation is more focused on survey results of recent land prices in 15 (fifteen) sub-districts throughout Batang Regency. “The results of a survey we conducted found that land prices experienced a drastic increase in 3 (three) sub-districts, namely Limpung, Gringsing and Banyuputih. This finding was heavily influenced by the ongoing Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KITB) national strategic project, which has caused property prices in the vicinity to rise dramatically,” Ropinov explained. Ropinov is a D3 lecturer in Vocational Tax Administration at PSDKU Undip Batang, thus Ropinov joined the Undip consultant team as a form of community service by PSDKU Undip in developing Batang Regency.

Singgih Saptadi, another member of the consultant team, explained the data analysis and discussion that resulted in projected PBB-P2 and BPHTB revenues from various alternative schemes. The various tools used were conveyed, such as Batang NJOP data for 2022, land value zones from map.id, and field survey results presented by previous speakers with students. The three tools are processed statistically and produce a projection of PBB-P2 Batang from 2022 to 2024, from various scenarios, with a varied amount from 4 to 15 billion IDR per year.

At the end of the session, several officials from the Kabid and Kasubbid BPKPAD Batang submitted critical questions. Some of these officials include the Head of Regional Original Revenue Administration, Muhammad Rusdi; Head of Billing, Evaluation of Regional Original Revenue Reporting, Anisah; Head of Data Collection and Registration, Prasetya Bima Baskara; Head of Sub-Division of PBB PP, Arif Listiyono; Head of Sub-Division of Service and Determination, Subkhan; and Head of Planning and Control, Erlinda Sinaga. Some of the questions include the methods for collecting data, recommendations for increasing the NJOP that are acceptable to the public, detailed data analysis and so on. After the discussion, the event was closed by taking documentation together.

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