LPPM UNDIP Provided Training Of Trainers for Community Service Lecturers

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Diponegoro University held a Training of Trainer for Community Service Lecturers from Monday to Wednesday (May 29-31, 2023) at the Griya Persada Bandungan Hotel. LPP Undip also held Community Service Lecturer’s Material Refreshment on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, in the Hall of Dean Building, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University.

According to the Chairman of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T., the purpose of the Training of Trainer for Community Service Lecturers is to provide knowledge in the Community Service mentoring process from the debriefing, survey, program creation, program implementation, and program evaluation stages.

“With this Training of Trainer activity, it is hoped that Community Service lecturers can provide good academic and community services. The output of this activity resulted in Community Service provision modules and certified Community Service Supervisors,” he said.

In line with what was conveyed by the Chairperson of the LPPM Undip, Deputy Chairperson of the LPPM for Community Service Prof. Dr. Rahayu, S.H., M.Hum. added that Community Service is an intracurricular activity that combines the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education with the method of providing learning and working experiences to students in the context of community empowerment. Community Service is a program that effectively adds critical power and knowledge for students in a tangible form and impacts society. It is a compulsory subject at Diponegoro University for students in every Bachelor-Applied and Bachelor levels study program.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairperson of LPPM for Research, Prof. Dr. Agus Subagio, S.Si., M.Si., said, “This Community Service program is carried out by students who have taken a minimum of 100 credits to graduate and become a real learning tool and a model for implementing the knowledge gained in tertiary institutions to be applied in the community. One part of Community Service activities is the presence of Community Service Lecturers. The Community Service Lecturer’s role is to guide and direct students in carrying out Community Service activities to follow the objectives. (LW-Public Relations)

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