Implementation of OSH for Kedungbanteng Tegal Village Construction Workers by KKN UNDIP Students

Tegal (20/07/2023) – Occupational Health and Safety/OSH (K3) is a policy that must be implemented in every work environment. Indonesia, now categorized as a developing country where its development era is the center of attention, needs this as the primary form of awareness for implementers and workers.

It is undeniable that infrastructure development will always exist both in urban and rural areas. The construction starts from the most superficial level to the most complex. Of course, this requires policies related to OSH as a guide in carrying out work.

The dissemination of information regarding OSH in Indonesia still needs to be considered insufficient, as evidenced by data on work accidents due to negligence of workers who do not apply this matter, which is still high even though the OSH system itself must be the main point that needs to be considered before carrying out work.

The insufficient information regarding the OSH course is a highlight in one of the villages in Kedungbanteng District, namely Kedungbanteng Village, Tegal Regency, where there have been many developments, such as house renovations involving residents as builders. However, if you look at the condition of the workers, they do not apply safety first, such as using personal protective equipment (PPE). The minimal personal protective equipment is a project helmet, safety shoes, and a project vest.

Based on these problems, Community Service (KKN) Team II Diponegoro University student, Audrey Lize Saadiya, with a scientific background in Civil Engineering, brought up the theme of a monodisciplinary work program on the OSH system with the title “Worker Empowerment in the Sector of Occupational Health and Safety in Kedungbanteng Village” as a form of student concern for the surrounding environment.

“I know a little about OSH, but when we work, we never use helmets or project clothes because there are no instructions,” said Mr. Kuntoro, the Head of RW 07. This information explains that the people in Kedungbanteng Village still need to be made aware of the importance of using personal protective equipment as a form of OSH implementation in their work environment.

On this occasion, one of the KKN Team II Undip students in the monodisciplinary work program provided education and empowerment regarding health, safety, impact, and how to implement it. Not only that but an explanation related to the picture of future construction was also conveyed so that workers could prepare themselves to get a better job in the same field. The activities carried out on July 20, 2023, occurred at a house renovation project owned by a resident. All construction workers on site attended this activity. The output was a poster about concern for the OSH system, which Audrey Lize Saadiya delivered to the construction workers.

This form of worker empowerment activity is continuous, where one day is for providing material on OSH, and one week is for monitoring the use of personal protective equipment while working. When the debriefing took place, the construction workers responded well so that there was a sense of concern from the KKN students to provide personal protective equipment in the form of project vests and helmets, each of which was three in number. Interestingly, workers still use it with pride starting one week after the personal protective equipment was given. It was proven in the village infrastructure improvement activities, namely bridges and the repair of Fishing BUMDES. The actions show the seriousness of the workers in receiving the material and implementing OSH in their work environment.

Of course, this activity was carried out under the direction and advice of the KKN Field Supervisor, Dr. drs. Catur Kepirianto., M.Hum, Dr. Hersugondo, S.E., M.M. and Ardiana Alifatus Sa’adah., S.Si., M.Si. and Budiarso as the Head of Kedungbanteng Village. The hope is that the academic atmosphere and the village environment can be adequately conveyed to benefit people’s lives in Kedungbanteng Village.

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