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Civil Engineering UNDIP Provided Certification of Construction Experts

Increasing the capacity of Human Resources, including the Construction Workforce, is one of Indonesia’s National Development goals. Law Number 2 of 2017 concerning Construction Services mandates that all construction workers must have a Work Competency Certificate.

For this reason, the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, in collaboration with the Central Java Provincial Government through the Central Java Province Bina Marga Public Works and Cipta Karya, the Central Java DPD National Association of Construction Experts Association (ATAKNAS) held Training and Certification of Construction Experts for Fresh Graduates in 2023.

As many as 100 fresh graduate participants underwent offline training on July 24-27, 2023, followed by online learning & SIBIMA material tests, and ended with a competency test, which consisted of 3 job positions, including Building Engineering, Road Engineering, and OSH Construction.

Head of the Civil Engineering Department Undip, Prof. Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, stressed the importance of this activity to equip graduates to open doors for better career opportunities in the construction industry and increase reliability and professionalism in the construction industry.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. M Agung Wibowo, hopes that the results of this Construction expert certification will later be able to increase high-quality standards of work in the implementation of construction work which is a high-risk industry, have a good understanding of work safety practices and correct procedures, and reduce the risk of accidents in construction work.

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