UNDIP Inaugurated Three Professors from the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Public Health, and the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences

Diponegoro University inaugurated 3 (three) professors in the Prof. Soedarto SH. Building, Undip Tembalang (6/9). Today’s event is a series of activities for the inauguration of 25 (twenty-five) Undip professors, scheduled from 5 to 19 September 2023. After the inauguration of 25 professors, the following agenda is the inauguration of 17 (seventeen) new professors. The 3 (three) professors who were inaugurated on the second day, Wednesday (6/9) morning session, were Prof. Dr. Lita Tyesta Aldy Listya Wardhani, S.H., M.Hum. (Faculty of Law), Prof. Dr. dr. Suhartono, M. Kes. (Faculty of Public Health), and Prof. Agus Setiadi, S.Pt., M.Si., PH.D. (Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences).

In her scientific speech, Prof. Lita said that regional regulations essentially embody the authority of regional governments to manage and regulate their households. Implementing the regional regulation formation program or regional head regulation formation program is not only a quantitative or numerical problem but also qualitative or quality.

“There are several things that can be noted regarding the condition of weak regulations, especially related to the existence of regional laws and regulations, including the implementation of administrative decentralization has not yet demonstrated the true characteristics of broad autonomy as intended in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government,” she explained.

The following presentation was conveyed by Prof. Suhartono, who discussed environmental conditions that greatly influence the health status of people in an area. Apart from primary environmental sanitation conditions, such as the availability of clean water and family latrines, we must be aware of the presence of toxic materials in the environment as one of the causes of health problems, especially for mothers and children, which significantly influences the quality of human resources (HR) now and in the future.

“Research shows that blood lead levels are high in pregnant women (19.74 µg/dL) and elementary school (SD) students (31.5 µg/dL) in the North Coast region of Java, especially Brebes district. Further research has proven that lead exposure is a risk factor or cause of health problems in pregnant women, namely pregnancy hypertension and anemia. “Pregnancy hypertension and anemia in pregnant women are the main causes of maternal death,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Prof. Agus said that the income of farmers/breeders is still low. The decreased income is caused by the scale of business still needs to be higher, the application of technology in production and marketing systems, and the prices obtained by farmers still needing to be higher and fluctuating. There needs to be a minimum scale standard that is sought to ensure production efficiency for several strategic commodities.

“The use of technology has been proven to increase farmers’ income because it can increase productivity while being more efficient in using costs. Farmers face market risks through fluctuating prices of agricultural commodities produced. For this reason, it is necessary to have a price guarantee mechanism for farmers through a farming contract system. “Reconceptualization of agricultural businesses needs to be carried out to achieve agricultural development goals, namely providing safe, healthy, whole, halal agricultural products and prosperous farmers,” he concluded. (LW/Bagas – Public Relations)

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