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Socialization of Library Services and UNDIP Press

Diponegoro University (Undip) has completed revitalizing the library building physically and in-service systems. For this reason, the UPT Library Undip held a socialization of library services and Undip Press on Friday, August 4, 2023. The Deputy Deans for Academic-Student Affairs, Heads of Study Programs, and faculty librarians attended the activity.

This revitalization activity is deemed necessary because libraries are the ‘heart’ of universities or institutions that offer higher education. Compared to primary and secondary education, the role of libraries in higher education is much more critical because it is the main requirement in the Tri Dharma of higher education (education, research, and service). This process’s quality depends on the library network’s reliability as a reference source.

In his remarks, the Vice Rector for Communication and Business, Prof. Budi Setiyono, Ph.D., stated that Undip needs to rebuild a library-based academic culture. “To facilitate every educational process successfully, the function of the library needs to be understood by the entire academic community. Ignoring libraries or placing them as a low priority will cause damage and unachievable learning and education goals,” said Prof Budi. He also stated that academic libraries are a vital component (center of excellence) of literacy in developing the latest references for teaching and learning activities and research.

It must be understood that nowadays, the role of libraries and librarians has changed due to a world driven by changes in digital technology. In this regard, the Undip library has made various adjustments.

Head of UPT Library and Undip Press, Suwondo, stated that in terms of physical facilities, the library has been equipped with millennial genre rooms so that students can carry out their activities in a relaxed, spacious, and clean manner. They feel at home doing work in the library for a long time. Apart from that, the library is also supported by a solid and fast internet network. The reference database in the form of journals and electronic books Undip subscribes to is also increasing.

“This has caused student visits to increase from around 300 people per day to more than 1000 people. “The duration of the visit period has also increased from less than 1 hour to an average of over 3 hours,” said Suwondo.

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