Get to Know the PSDKU UNDIP Campus in Rembang Regency

Diponegoro University (Undip) is the biggest and best campus in Central Java. Undip’s big name and achievements are familiar to the broader community. Undip’s recognition as one of the best campuses in Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of the media. Apart from having a main campus in the city of Semarang, Undip also has several Off-Main Campus Study Programs (PSDKU), which were established in Batang Regency, Rembang Regency, and Pekalongan Regency.

In an effort to bring the PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency closer to the community, the Undip Communication and Business Bureau held a Media Exploring activity at the PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. The event was also attended by the Head of the Communication and Business Bureau, the Manager of the Integrated Services Section and Public Relations, and the PSDKU Administrative Manager, as well as inviting several local and national media.

Head of Communications and Business Bureau Ratna Wahyu Setyaningtyas, S.H., M.Si., in her speech, stated that Undip will continue to collaborate side by side with the media. “Today, we introduce the PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency. The invited media officers can go around the campus to see how the lecturers, students and facilities are. We also have plans to introduce the PSDKU Undip Campus in Batang Regency and Pekalongan Regency to media friends so that we can also introduce these campuses to the surrounding community,” said Ratna.

Furthermore, Ratna hopes that similar activities can become routine activities to introduce Undip campuses in several cities. “Media friends are our partners, so in the future, we will activate activities like this again and collaborate with media friends too, so that we can introduce the local community that Undip has a PSDKU Campus,” said Ratna.

The PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency currently has 2 (two) study programs, namely the D3 Management study program and the Bachelor of Public Administration study program. Apart from that, the PSDKU Undip Campus in Pekalongan Regency has a D3 Regional and City Spatial Planning (PTRWK) study program and a D3 Campus Accounting study program. Meanwhile, Undip’s PSDKU Campus in Batang Regency has D3 Tax Administration and D3 Public Relations study programs.

On the same occasion, the TU Manager of PSDKU Undip Rembang, Sukmana Yudya, S.Si., explained that the PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency has students from various regions. “There are around 250 D3 Management students and around 400 S1 Public Administration students. “Students at the PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency come from the surrounding area, then there are those from Jakarta, Sumatera and Madiun, East Java, who also study here,” he explained.

PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency enrolled undergraduate students in the Public Administration study program for Community Service (KKN) program for the first time this year. The KKN activities organized by the LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) place students in areas around Rembang Regency.

Sukmana added that the PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency has 15 hectares of land, which was a grant from the Rembang Regional Government. Until now, Undip continues to develop buildings and collaborate with various parties.

“PSDKU Undip Campus in Rembang Regency is building lecture facilities and lecture support, for example, a computer laboratory and co-working space on the rooftop on the 3rd (third) floor. Apart from that, we are also building a parking area and gazebo for discussion/co-working space,” explained Sukmana.

The PSDKU Undip Campus Building in Rembang Regency consists of 3 (three) floors. Floor 1 (one) includes the Computer Lab, D3 Management Lecturer’s Room, S1 APR Room, Admin Room, and Classroom 103. Floor 2 (two) consists of Classroom 201, Classroom 202, Library Room, Meeting Room, S1 APR Meeting Room, Classroom 204 and Classroom 205. Then, the 3rd (three) floor includes Classroom 301 and the Prayer Room. Meanwhile, the rooftop has a canteen and Study Program Student Association Room (HMPS).

Undip Communication and Business Bureau, together with several local and national media, held the PSDKU Undip Campus Media Exploring activity in Rembang Regency on Wednesday (08/11).
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