UNDIP Antawirya Team Introduces Electric Vehicles for the Future

The Diponegoro University (Undip) Antawirya Team held a seminar entitled Antawirya Fest 2023 with the theme “Electric Vehicles for the Brighter Future” Friday (24/11) at the Engineering Hall, Dean Building of the Faculty of Engineering Undip. This seminar aims to open up insight into a clean and healthy earth, as well as introduce the use of electric vehicles to the public. This seminar also explains the various benefits and advantages of electric cars, as well as their development in Indonesia.

In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc, Ph.D., appealed to students to start caring about the surrounding environment. “It is important for the younger generation to understand that energy security and energy conservation are currently becoming hot issues. The energy issue is a problem for all of us. Therefore, it starts from ourselves and is done together.” said Prof Agung.

This seminar presented two speakers, namely Erik Ryan, Training Manager of the Hyundai Training Academy, and Kevin Gausultan HM, Assistant Manager of the PLN Research and Development Center. Both of them explained the journey and development of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

Not only seminars but also competitions are held in this event. This competition focuses on a campaign on social media that aims to introduce what an electric vehicle is.

The Diponegoro University Antawirya Team is a team engaged in the manufacture and development of energy-efficient cars in Indonesia. This year, the Antawirya Team is here to help the public, especially the younger generation, to learn more about what an electric vehicle is.

Antawirya Fest 2023 provides knowledge to the general public about the advantages of using electric vehicles. It will also be in line with achieving Indonesia’s goal of achieving the net zero emission target. (Hanang-Public Relations)

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