UNDIP Ranked 6th in the 36th National PIMNAS 2023

The Diponegoro University (Undip) contingent in the 2023 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) competition succeeded in achieving 6th place nationally. In the presentation category, Yuki Kristina Lase’s team succeeded in winning a gold medal in the PKM-PM-1 class. Meanwhile, Febri Hariadi’s team managed to get a gold medal in the PKM-K-3 class. Michael Gotawa Sitorus’ team also won 1 silver medal in the PKM-RE-5 class presentation category. In the poster category, Galih Aprian Triansyah’s team in the PKM-KC-1 class and Michael Gotawa Sitorus’ team in the PKM-RE-5 class each won bronze medals. Not only that, the Undip contingent also succeeded in winning the Individual Talented Student title. Dian Komalasari won the category for the most active student in the PIMNAS event in the PKM-VGK class.

“Today, we have finished PIMNAS with an extraordinary impression. Alhamdulillah, we managed to get the talented student award. This achievement is a matter of pride not only for the individual but also for the team because everything is built with struggle and teamwork,” said Dian Komalasari, winner of the Talented Student title.

The 36th PIMNAS 2023 was held at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, West Java, competing in several PKM class category championships, namely Exact Research (RE), Social Humanities Research (RSH), Entrepreneurship (K), Community Service (PM), Application of Science and Technology ( PI), Creative Initiatives (KC), Innovative Works (KI), Video Constructive Ideas (VGK), and Written Futuristic Ideas (GFT). The Undip contingent succeeded in winning 5 class categories and 1 Talented Student title.

“By winning this medal, Undip managed to rank 6th nationally from previously being ranked 11th,” said Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan, S.Hum., M.Hum, as the Task Force team and Supervisor.

Awards were given to the competition winners presented at the closing ceremony of PIMNAS Friday (30/11/2023) at PPBS Field, Padjadjaran University, Bandung.

“We hope that all parties from Study Programs, Faculties and Universities can support each of our PKM, and hopefully, this will be the starting point for Undip to become the General Champion at the 37th PIMNAS, which will be held at UNAIR,” said Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si, as Supervisor.

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