UNDIP Won 1st place in the Voice of Youth Challenge Flashcard

The Diponegoro University AKSA team won the Voice of Youth Challenge competition held by Danone in November 2023. The team name “AKSA,” is an acronym for ‘Aku dan Sampah,’ successfully passed the preliminary stage, which was attended by more than 150 student groups from various universities in Indonesia, and won 1st place in the Waste Management category.

The Diponegoro University AKSA team was initiated by Ricko Prihantana Putra, Daniella Evita, and Citra Hadi Saputri from Geodetic Engineering; Angel Gabriella Josephine from Psychology; and Amaranggana Hang Arna from Accounting. AKSA aims to introduce new methods for children so they can understand waste sorting. In activities that lasted for approximately one month in November, the AKSA team taught waste sorting to students at Mardasah Ibtidaiyah Mangunharjo Tembalang with a flash card-based approach that provides an understanding of waste sorting by including game elements so that students not only learn but also present pleasant experience regarding how to sort waste.

“We created edu – flashcards so that students not only learn but also have fun experiences about waste sorting procedures. In short, the AKSA Flash Card is a way for millennials to educate children about waste sorting,” said team leader Ricko Pihantana.

The hope of the AKSA Program in the future is that the game concept for sorting waste that they discovered can be patented by Diponegoro University because it is an original new concept. Then, this game can be used to collaborate with the government to provide this AKSA game to schools more widely.

“The hope is that children can play while learning. After playing, they understand the meaning of sorting waste based on its types. Not only that, we really want to collaborate with wider stakeholders, both the private sector and NGOs, in realizing a similar vision,” concluded the AKSA team leader.

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