441 Bidikmisi Program Students Inaugurated the 171st Graduation of UNDIP

Diponegoro University inaugurated 411 students of the Bidikmisi program at the 171st graduation ceremony of Diponegoro University, which was held at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang Campus. The graduation ceremony procession is held in 14 (fourteen) stages, namely on the 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th, and 21st of August, 2023.

The Bidikmisi program is an educational fee assistance from the government of the Republic of Indonesia. It is intended for future students who are economically incapacitated and have good academic potential to study at universities in superior study programs until they graduate on time.

Undip has committed to supporting the Bidikmisi program that has been organized by the government so that every citizen has the right to get an education and can increase equalization of access to higher education.

Bidikmisi Scholarship’s mission is to meet the hope for people who are financially incapacitated and have the acceptable academic potential to be able to pursue education up to the level of higher education and produce human resources that can play a role in breaking the chain of poverty and empowerment.

The goal is to increase access and learning opportunities in universities for students who are economically incapable and have good academic potential; provide education cost assistance to candidates/students who meet the criteria to take the Diploma/Bachelor program until completion and on time; improve student achievement, both in the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular fields; have a unanimous impact for students and other potential students continually to improve their achievement and be competitive; and produce graduates who are independent, productive and have socially concerned, so that they can play a role in efforts to break the poverty chain and empowerment.

In his speech, the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., said that Undip is a large university and has produced alumni who occupy high positions in Indonesia.

“As alumni, of course, they have the task of maintaining the grandeur of the alma mater, including not doing commendable actions. One of them is to always respect our teachers in our words and actions to find scientific blessings. Mikul dhuwur mendhem jero,” said Prof Yos.

“Becoming a successful Undip Alumni with the support of an honest, fair, brave, and caring person. Be it honest in actions and speech, fair in every choice of policy, dare to tell the truth according to his conscience, and have a sense of care for fellow human beings. Success is if we can ‘dadi menungso sing bener’ even though we may not have much wealth, maybe not too high rank, but have a free spirit so that we dare to say the truth according to conscience,” he continued. (LW-Public Relations)

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