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UNDIP Appreciates the Role of PAUD Teachers

The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) once again invited early childhood education (PAUD) teachers from the Tembalang and Banyumanik Districts, to participate in an outing and seminar aimed at developing the skills of PAUD teachers, especially in providing character education for young children. The outing and seminar activities were held in Solo on April 27-28, 2024. These activities are part of the university’s community service implementation and its concern for PAUD teachers.

For this event, LPPM UNDIP invited two expert speakers: Dr. Eko Setiawan, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. from the Islamic University of Malang and Dra. Darosy Endah Hyoscyamina, M.Pd., affectionately known as Bunda Darosy, a lecturer and psychologist from the Faculty of Psychology at Diponegoro University.

In his address, the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., expressed gratitude to PAUD (Early Childhood Education) teachers who sincerely and patiently educate children. Prof. Yos highly appreciates the role of PAUD teachers in teaching knowledge and character to children who will become the future young generation of the nation. “Every letter and number you teach sincerely to your students, every writing becomes a reward for you as teachers. You all are chosen people who, InsyaAllah, will receive rewards in heaven,” said Prof. Yos.

Meanwhile, in his comprehensive report, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Suherman, S.T., M.T., as the Head of LPPM UNDIP, detailed the various activities of this event, which were designed to provide a holistic learning experience for PAUD teachers. “These activities, which included training sessions and interactive games, were carefully curated to offer a fun and enriching experience for PAUD teachers,” said Prof. Suherman. This outing and seminar activity marked the second one. Previously, LPPM UNDIP had successfully organized a similar activity with PAUD teachers in Yogyakarta on March 2-3, 2024 (https://www.undip.ac.id/post/33950/peduli-paud-undip-melatih-guru-dalam-program-pengembangan-diri.html).

Before the material presentation, Dr. Eko Setiawan, S.Pd.I., M.Pd., encouraged the participants, PAUD teachers, to commit to being punctual, no phone calls, active learning, learning wholeheartedly, and being progressive. In this session, he presented material entitled “How Teachers Win Students’ Hearts.” Some tips for winning students’ hearts include being assertive (showing expressiveness), showing respect, building good relationships, making optimal effort, and avoiding threats and violence. These five tips are abbreviated as AMPUH.

Next, the second speaker, Dra. Darosy Endah Hyoscyamina, M.Pd., affectionately known as Bunda Darosy, a lecturer and psychologist from the Faculty of Psychology at UNDIP, shared what PAUD teachers need to do in her material on “Educate with Love and Example.” Bunda Darosy entrusted three things to PAUD teachers:

  1. Guide children to enjoy righteous deeds with smiles, greetings, and greetings.
  2. Provide a sense of happiness rather than fear or threat.
  3. Cultivate noble character by getting used to saying please, thank you, sorry, and excuse me.

The outing and seminar activities for PAUD teachers around the Tembalang and Banyumanik districts were initiated directly by the Rector of Diponegoro University, who completed his term of office at the end of April 2024. The concern of the UNDIP Rector for PAUD teachers is a manifestation of UNDIP as a campus of rahmatan lil alamin, full of compassion. (Ut-Public Relations)

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