The Importance of Role Models in Directing the Development of Integrity Zone at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP

The Faculty of Engineering at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) remains committed to providing excellent public service to all stakeholders, including students, administrative staff, faculty, alumni, and partners. The commitment to excellent service is not just a promise but is realized through various programs, services, and infrastructure that can be accessed both offline and online.

In creating comprehensive service delivery, the Faculty of Engineering emphasizes the values of excellent service, which are adopted and implemented by all faculty components, from leadership to grassroots employees like front desk staff, janitors, cleaners, and security personnel. Faculty leadership acts as role models, guiding and inspiring all staff to perform their duties with professionalism and dedication.

Ease of Access to Services

The Faculty of Engineering is on a mission to provide easy access to services and create a supportive academic environment. The implementation of information technology is critical to achieving accountable and efficient service delivery. The Faculty of Engineering utilizes online-based information systems to ensure timely and high-quality service.

The various information systems supporting services at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP include:

  1. SILAMA (Sistem Layanan Akademik Mahasiswa)/ Academic Service System for Students
  2. SUSAN(Sistem Informasi Penerbitan Surat Keputusan) (Decree Issuance Information System)
  3. SIMARBEL(Sistem Informasi SK Merdeka Belajar) / Freedom to Learn Decree Information System
  4. SINDI (Sistem Informasi Disposisi Surat)/ Mail Disposition Information System
  5. SIOBE(Sistem Informasi Outcome-Based Education) / Outcome-Based Education Information System
  6. SIKEPO(Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian) / Personnel Information System)
  7. SIIKU(Sistem Informasi Kinerja Utama) / Key Performance Information System
  8. SITEDI(Sistem Informasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Fakultas Teknik) (Research and Community Service Information System at the Faculty of Engineering)
  9. SISKA(Sistem Informasi Surat Keputusan) / Decree Information System
  10. SIPAS (Sistem Informasi Arsip Surat Keluar Masuk)/ Outgoing and Incoming Mail Archive Information System
  11. SIKER (Sistem Informasi Kerjasama) /Cooperation Information System
  12. SIPRESMA(Sistem Informasi Prestasi Mahasiswa) /Student Achievement Information System
  13. SIDAK(Sistem Informasi Ruang & Kegiatan) / Room & Activity Information System
  14. Survey Layanan(Penilaian Kepuasan Pelanggan FT UNDIP) / Service Survey (Customer Satisfaction Assessment of the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP)
  15. Helpdesk(Layanan Bantuan Fakultas Teknik) / Faculty of Engineering Help Service
  16. SSO (Single Sign-On)
  17. SIAP(Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Diponegoro) / Diponegoro University Academic Information System
  18. SKP ONLINE (Sistem Informasi SKP Penugasan dan Pelaporan Universitas Diponegoro) / Diponegoro University Assignment and Reporting Information System
  19. SPPO(Sistem Penetapan Pembayaran Online) / Online Payment Determination System
  20. PUBLISHER FT(Daftar Buku Ajar Penerbit Fakultas Teknik) (Faculty of Engineering Textbook Publisher List)
  21. LIB FT (Katalog Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik) / Faculty of Engineering Library Catalog

Technology-Based Service Innovations

The Faculty of Engineering innovates annually to enhance service quality. One significant innovation is the online diploma legalization service, which was developed in collaboration with J&T. This service enables alumni across Indonesia to easily access diploma legalization through the Cash on Delivery (COD) system.

Additionally, the Faculty of Engineering provides tracking services for academic and administrative documents such as Student Certificates, Enrollment Certificates, Internship Application Letters, and Thesis Data Request Letters. The tracking and barcode system ensures transparency and accountability in document processing.

Commitment to Excellent Service

The Faculty of Engineering UNDIP delivers fast, efficient, and high-quality services supported by competent human resources and appropriate information technology. Quality improvement through regular training and collaboration between human resources and information technology forms a strong foundation for service at the Faculty of Engineering.

The Faculty of Engineering UNDIP focuses on service quality, clear, cost-free services and the competence of service executors. These efforts aim to provide the best service experience for all stakeholders while maintaining integrity and transparency in every service process.

Through the role model of faculty leadership and the support of information technology, the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP has successfully established an Integrity Zone that is expected to serve as an example for other faculties and work units. This success is a testament to the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP’s commitment to providing excellent service and realizing a clean and service-oriented bureaucracy. (Ut-Public Relations)

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