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First! Collaboration between UNDIP and Alibaba Cloud Indonesia

The Acintya Prasada Building of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) marks the historic first collaboration between Alibaba Cloud and a university in Central Java, specifically the Informatics Department of FSM UNDIP. The exciting partnership with Alibaba Cloud Indonesia, held on Friday (31/5), aims to create a promising alliance between universities in Central Java and the leading cloud computing service provider. The collaboration marks a significant step in developing the information technology ecosystem in the region.

The event began with a welcome speech from the Dean of FSM UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., M.T., who expressed hopes that the knowledge and benefits that students can apply will also be beneficial to UNDIP. This hope was supported by sincere appreciation from Dr. Aris Puji Widodo, S.Si., M.T., Head of the Informatics Department, who warmly welcomed this cooperation, hoping that it would yield abundant benefits for students and the development of UNDIP.

Next, Erwin Marpaung, a representative from Alibaba Cloud Indonesia, provided insights into the importance of collaboration between the private sector and academia in facing the digital era. Bayu Irawan, a Training Operations Specialist from Alibaba Cloud Indonesia, made the following remarks, emphasizing the importance of developing practical skills in cloud technology for students.

One of the critical points of this collaboration was the presence of Eggy Tanuwijaya, Director of Solution Architect at Alibaba Cloud Indonesia, who provided an in-depth understanding of Alibaba Cloud’s latest services and technologies. In an informative presentation session, Eggy Tanuwijaya offered valuable insights into the potential and benefits of cloud technology.

Additionally, the presence of Erwin Marpaung, Government Relations Alibaba Cloud Indonesia, added to the event’s impact. In his role as a liaison between Alibaba Cloud and the government, Erwin Marpaung shared insights on the crucial role of cloud technology in supporting development and digital transformation in Indonesia.

This partnership not only opens the door for the exchange of knowledge and technology between Alibaba Cloud and the Informatics Department of FSM UNDIP but also offers a unique and exciting opportunity for students. Alibaba Cloud Indonesia provides one-year internship opportunities for 5 to 7 students, allowing them to gain valuable practical experience in the field of cloud technology.

The collaboration between the Informatics Department of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at Diponegoro University and Alibaba Cloud Indonesia marks an essential step in bringing the latest technological innovations to the educational environment in Indonesia. This partnership will bring significant benefits to the development of science and technology in Indonesia. (Nafis Mufadhal ed. Ut-Public Relations)

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