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UNDIP Antawirya Team is Ready to Compete in Prestigious Events

Diponegoro University (UNDIP) officially sent off the Antawirya Team to participate in energy-efficient car competitions in 2024. The event, held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in the Dean’s Building on the first floor, was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, and the Administrative Manager of the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP.

The Antawirya Team plans to participate in two major competitions: the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2024, which will be held at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit in Lombok from July 2-7, 2024, and the 2024 Energy-Efficient Car Contest organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology at the Formula-E Circuit in Ancol, Jakarta from October 24-30, 2024.

In his speech, the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., expressed high appreciation for the Antawirya Team, noting that their achievements and innovations have improved year by year.

“We greatly appreciate the Antawirya Team; their progress and continuous changes year by year have made their products better over time,” he said.

“Striving for achievement is important, but if you fail this time, do not lose heart. Innovation is an ongoing process, and it is this innovative activity that sets us apart as either leaders or followers,” said Prof. Heru.

Prof. Heru added that UNDIP will always support innovative and productive student activities that enhance students’ soft skills. “Good luck in the competitions, and we hope for the best results for the Antawirya Team,” said Prof. Heru.

Echoing Prof. Heru, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T., IPU., fully supports the Antawirya Team in participating in the upcoming two competitions. “Good luck and stay enthusiastic. We will always support you. Achievements are important, but far more important is safety,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the S1 Mechanical Engineering Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP, Dr. Rifky Ismail, S.T., M.T., expressed pride and appreciation for the process the Antawirya Team has gone through. “From the study program’s perspective, the Antawirya Team is a source of pride, and we appreciate it because it has become a platform for developing students’ interests and talents from generation to generation. We appreciate the regeneration and the achievements they have made,” said Dr. Rifky.

The General Manager of Team Antawirya, Zarir Athaullah, explained that two prototype cars will be brought to the competition: Gentayu and Rondhan. Zarir expressed considerable optimism about the achievements that Team Antawirya will attain this year. He is confident that his team can secure either the first or second position in this year’s competition. “So far, we are very confident that we can improve our podium results, possibly achieving first or second place in 2024,” he said.

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