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FPP UNDIP Trains Boyolali Farmers to Produce Concentrates

The lecturer team from the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences at Diponegoro University (FPP UNDIP) conducted a training session on the production of concentrates for ruminant livestock in Boyolali on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. The training took place at KWT Rukun Makmur, Musuk Village, Musuk Subdistrict, Boyolali Regency. Dr. Ir. Mulyono, M.Si, the team leader, explained that the training was organized at the request of local farmers who face challenges in providing quality feed. Therefore, the team from the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Science at FPP UNDIP provided assistance and hands-on training at the location.

The Head of KWT Rukun Makmur, Surani, expressed that the production training on concentrates was essential to improve the productivity of their livestock, which includes goats, sheep, and cattle. “If we feed our livestock with grass and factory-made concentrates, they fatten up quickly. But factory-made concentrates are relatively expensive. We want to be able to make our own to be more affordable,” said Surani.

Prof. Joelal Achmadi, a professor at UNDIP specializing in Ruminant Feed Nutrition, emphasized the importance of sourcing local feed ingredients for concentrate formulation to reduce costs. “Of course, these ingredients need to be processed first to enhance their nutritional value,” explained Joelal.

Agung Subrata, S.Pt., M.P., a lecturer at FPP UNDIP, provided direct guidance during the practical session of the production training of concentrates. “The initial step involves preparing the feed ingredients that have been formulated for the concentrate, followed by thorough mixing to ensure all feed components are evenly distributed,” Agung explained, which was then practiced by the training participants.

The concentrates produced by the farmers during the training were immediately tested on cattle and goats. “Amazing, the concentrates were eaten eagerly and completely consumed,” Surani exclaimed enthusiastically.

This production training on concentrates is part of the ongoing support activities conducted by FPP UNDIP as a form of synergy between the university and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Boyolali Regency. The program will continue with training on the processing and preservation of feed ingredients to establish a feed barn, including training on maggot cultivation for providing protein feed for poultry.

The support at KWT Rukun Makmur is planned to extend to training on the online marketing of livestock and agricultural products. FPP UNDIP has also been conducting support activities at KTT Tunas Muda, Karangnongko Village, Mojosongo Subdistrict, Boyolali Regency since 2020 and continues to do so.

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