RSND UNDIP Invites Students to Live Healthily with “SKENA”

As a form of concern for the health of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) students, the Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND), in collaboration with the Public Relations Campaign team and students of the Communication Science Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UNDIP, organized the event “SKENA: Senam Kebugaran Energik dan Ngobrol Asyik” (Energetic Fitness Exercise and Fun Talk). The event was held in the courtyard and waiting area of the RSND outpatient clinic on Saturday, June 1, 2024.

Students from various faculties at Diponegoro University participated in this event. The series of activities began with instructor-led fitness exercises, followed by a talk show themed “Healthy Lifestyle as an Initial Step to Prevent Diseases and Burnout in Students.” They concluded with a presentation on health services at RSND and a hospital tour.

“Healthcare services are essential. The procedures for accessing healthcare services are crucial and are the focus of this communication project. This activity aims for all of us to become young people who are well-informed about healthcare services,” explained S. Rouli Manalu, S.Sos., MCommSt., Ph.D., Head of the Communication Science Study Program, in his opening remarks.

dr. Teddy Wahyu Nugroho, M.Kes., Director of Finance and Human Resources at RSND, stated that students can utilize RSND as a source to learn anything related to health. He conveyed this in his opening remarks, officially launching the event.

“The most important aspect of weight management is preventing obesity. Besides being cosmetically unappealing, there are health risks to bear afterward. Therefore, maintaining weight is essential to keep the body healthy and fit. This can be achieved by improving lifestyle habits such as balanced nutrition, exercise, and stress management,” said dr. Annta Kern Nugrohowati, M.Si., Sp.GK(K), in her presentation on Student Nutrition Balance.

dr. Maria Erika Pranasakti, Sp.PD., mentioned in her presentation, “A healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, stomach diseases, and others.”

The hope is that from this activity, students will become more attentive to maintaining their health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as find it easier to access healthcare services in their efforts to stay healthy.

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