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Blora Regency Government Collaborates with UNDIP to Increase Natural and Resource Potential

Diponegoro University (UNDIP) agreed to establish a partnership with the Blora Regency Government on Thursday, July 11, 2024, at the Rector’s Conference Room, Widya Puraya Building, UNDIP Tembalang Campus.

The cooperation was officially marked by the signing of a Joint Agreement between UNDIP, represented by Rector Prof. Dr. Suharnomo S.E., M.Si., and the Blora Regency Government, represented by Regent H. Arief Rohman, S.IP., M.Si.

The cooperation between UNDIP and the Blora Regency Government includes developing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the Blora Regency. The cooperation involves the functions of education, research, and community service to enhance the potential of natural and human resources.

UNDIP Rector Prof. Dr. Suharnomo S.E., M.Si., welcomed the cooperation with the Blora Regency Government. “We are pleased to collaborate with the Government of Blora Regency, like a long-awaited arrival,” he said.

Prof. Suharnomo added that UNDIP currently has the tagline “UNDIP Bermartabat dan UNDIP Bermanfaat” / Dignified UNDIP and Beneficial UNDIP. “We continue to strive for international rankings, but ultimately, the goal is to provide benefits to the community. We are forming a team to implement programs aimed at reducing extreme poverty in Central Java and making Central Java a national food reserve,” explained Prof. Suharnomo.

One of UNDIP’s commitments to benefiting the community is realized through the UNDIP Community Service Program (KKN) Team II. The UNDIP KKN Team II program includes initiatives to accelerate the reduction of stunting, maternal and child health, empowerment of out-of-school children, mapping and managing regional potential to support community empowerment, and scientific programs.

“We appreciate this collaboration and hope UNDIP can provide benefits to the surrounding community,” said Prof. Suharnomo.

Meanwhile, Blora Regent H. Arief Rohman, S.IP., M.Si. stated that issues such as poverty, stunting, and how to enhance existing potential can be resolved through collaboration with relevant stakeholders and significantly higher education institutions.

“We believe UNDIP is here to support us. We hope this Joint Agreement will benefit Blora Regency. Additionally, we hope UNDIP will generate innovations to help us reduce poverty in the Blora Regency. We aim to improve human resources to be of high quality, competitive, and have strong character,” said Arief Rohman.

“With the knowledge and networks that UNDIP possesses, we hope that UNDIP can become a solution to the problems we face. The presence of a higher education institution is expected to contribute to the development of Blora Regency,” he added.

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