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UNDIP’s Javanese Arts Student Activity Unit Won 2nd place in Peksimida

Diponegoro University (UNDIP) students made another proud achievement. UNDIP student team, through the Javanese Arts Arts Studentivity Unit (UKM Kesenian Jawa), won 2nd place in the 2024 Central Java Regional Student Art Week (Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Daerah / Peksimida) Dance Competition.

With the work titled “Doh Crah,” the Javanese Arts Student Activity Unit team delivered an outstanding performance. “Doh” is derived from the word “adoh,” meaning far, and “Crah” means division or conflict. “Doh Crah” means to keep divisions or conflicts away.

The Javanese Arts Student Activity Unit team in the 2024 Central Java Peksimida consisted of six dancers and eight musicians. The six dancers were Vika Arifina Auliya Rokhmani (Statistics 2022); Zanakharisma Afifiani (Japanese Language and Culture 2022); Aura Prinka Camilla (Chemistry 2023); Balqis Tryajeng Cantika (Business Administration 2023); Ima Firdatun Naafi’ah (Governance Science 2023); and Shilluetta Cristyani (Tax Accounting 2023).

The eight musicians of the Javanese Arts Student Activity Unit team included Yoga Detya Waskitha (Logistics Administration Management 2021); Estu Yuan Kartika (International Relations 2022); Kurnia Hayu Lestari (Biology 2022); Mochammad Fahmi Fattah (Library Science 2022); Mu’tamir Helmi Mujtaba (History 2022); Yogi Risma Listiana (Government Science 2022); Adinia Wirasti (Psychology 2023); and Zalsa Febriana Utami (Applied Foreign Languages 2023).

This year, 25 public and private universities in Central Java participated in the Dance Competition. The 2024 Central Java Peksimida Dance Competition was organized by the Indonesian Student Art Development Agency (Badan Pembina Seni Mahasiswa Indonesia / BPSMI) of Central Java Province in collaboration with Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta and the Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta, held at the Small Theater Building of ISI Surakarta, from Monday to Thursday (June 24-27, 2024).

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