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UNDIP Rector’s Message: Keep Moving and Think Creatively

UNDIP, Semarang (29/7) – A total of 5,287 graduates from Diponegoro University participated in the UNDIP’s 175th Graduation Ceremony of 2024, held at the Muladi Dome, Multipurpose Building (GSG) UNDIP, Tembalang Campus, from July 29 to August 2, 2024.

For the first time, the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., inaugurated the graduates, who included 80 Doctoral Program graduates, 556 Master’s Program graduates, 55 Medical Specialist graduates, 242 Professional graduates, 3,768 Bachelor’s graduates, 434 Applied Bachelor’s (D4) graduates, and 152 Diploma graduates. This graduation also included 140 Bidik Misi scholarship students and 30 international students.

It is hoped that the graduates will quickly find employment or create businesses that open up job opportunities for many others. UNDIP has achieved numerous accolades both nationally and internationally. One such achievement is that UNDIP currently ranks at the top in Indonesia for the speed at which its graduates find employment.

In his speech, the UNDIP Rector congratulated the graduates who had officially received their diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, professional, or doctoral degrees. “May you succeed in finding jobs and in your careers. The UNDIP’s 175th Graduation Ceremony is part of our gratitude to God and should be enjoyed, even if the study period was 3.5 years or more because the length of study does not determine success,” said Prof. Suharnomo.

According to the book “GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Lee Duckworth, the key to success is determined by a combination of passion, or liking something first, which leads to diligence and persistence in pursuing it, along with a positive outlook on the destiny determined by God.

“Quoting Jack Ma, the true meaning of success is to focus more, care about or like helping solve other people’s problems, and not complain often,” he continued. “Therefore, summarizing from Angela Duckworth and Jack Ma, we get two things: don’t be lazy or keep moving, which means keep striving until you achieve your dreams, and don’t get carried away by feelings, along with praying and giving charity. Hopefully, this will smooth your affairs in the world,” advised the Rector of UNDIP.

Furthermore, the Chair of the Academic Senate, Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, in his closing remarks, said to spread out across the archipelago and even the world. “Fly the Diponegoro flag wherever you are. Be agents of change and development for the advancement of human civilization and the welfare of society. Stay humble, and do not be arrogant,” said Prof. Edy.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., reported that the graduation ceremony was held offline in five stages over five days. As of this graduation period, the total number of UNDIP graduates has reached 268,317, with 3,446 or 65.18% of them achieving cum laude honors.

“Your journey is still long. Make the best use of your youth and productive years. Keep creating and innovating; don’t dull your creativity by stopping thinking! Catch your dreams; a million dreams will keep you awake! May all graduates always be successful in their careers and role models for society. We are very proud of you; uphold your good name, your parents, and UNDIP,” concluded Prof. Heru in his closing report.

The complete UNDIP’s 175th Graduation Ceremony can be viewed on UNDIP TV’s Official YouTube channel. (DHW-Public Relations)

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