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K3 Study Program at the Faculty of Public Health UNDIP Invites Students to Care About Driving Safety

Semarang, September 28, 2024 – The Occupational Health and Safety (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja / K3) Study Program of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, held a Safety Riding workshop themed “Safe and Secure Riding.” This event, organized in collaboration with Astra, Jasa Raharja, and the Polda Jawa Tengah, aimed to increase students’ awareness of the importance of road safety.

Nearly two hundred participants from the Undergraduate K3 Study Program and the K3 Concentration at the Faculty of Public Health UNDIP attended the workshop, which ran from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Participants received material on safe riding techniques, an introduction to traffic regulations, and tips for handling emergencies on the road.

The first session was delivered by Ms. Aipda Wien Erlina Asih, SH from the Public Education Division of the Polda Jawa Tengah, covering the Traffic Law Guide. The presentation was followed by Mr. Oke Setiyanto, ST, a representative from Astra, who presented material on proper riding techniques to reduce the risk of accidents. The last presentation was given by Mr. Bagus Tri Maistiyanto, ST., AAAI-K, AWP, QWP, Head of Service at PT Jasa Raharja Jawa Tengah, discussing Protection and Insurance Guarantees.

Prof. Dr. Yuliani Setyaningsih, S.KM., M.Kes, Head of the K3 Study Program at the Faculty of Public Health UNDIP, explained that this training is part of the university’s efforts to support its vision of creating a young generation that is aware of the safety of themselves and others while riding.

The Dean of the Faculty of Public Health UNDIP, Dr. Budiyono, S.KM., M.Kes., welcomed the Safety Riding activity and hopes that it will continue in the future. He also expressed hope that students will become role models for the community in practicing safe and secure driving.

The event concluded with a safe riding practice simulation led by professional instructors from Astra. Certificates were distributed to participants who completed the entire series of activities. This training will instill a culture of road safety among the younger generation and contribute to reducing the number of traffic accidents in Jawa Tengah and surrounding areas.

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