LPPM UNDIP Successfully Holds the 2nd ICASTCS International Conference, Titled “Resilient Futures: Navigating the Nexus of Sustainability, Transformation, and Digital Acceleration”

Semarang, October 31, 2024 – Universitas Diponegoro, through its Institute for Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat / LPPM), successfully held the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology for Community Service (ICASTCS) with the theme “Resilient Futures: Navigating the Nexus of Sustainability, Transformation, and Digital Acceleration.”

ICASTCS is an annual international seminar that serves as a strategic platform for academics to evaluate, discuss, and publish their findings focused on solutions to social issues. Designed to strengthen community service performance, this conference is also expected to expand global collaborations and partnerships to enhance the positive impact of research outcomes and scientific achievements.

The 2nd ICASTCS held virtually via the Zoom platform, brought together experts, researchers, practitioners, and community leaders from various countries to discuss innovation and collaboration to strengthen community resilience in facing global challenges.

In his opening remarks, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Suherman, ST, MT, Head of LPPM at Universitas Diponegoro, stated that ICASTCS is a tangible proof of Universitas Diponegoro’s commitment to advancing applied science and technology for the welfare of society. “In an era of unprecedented change and uncertainty, the need for resilient and sustainable solutions that integrate transformative practices and digital acceleration is becoming more urgent,” said Prof. Suherman. He added that the conference invites experts to explore innovative pathways for community resilience and development.

Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si, as the Conference Chair, also highlighted that this event serves as a platform for researchers and professionals to share insights and collaborate. “We gather here with a shared vision for a sustainable future supported by digital advancements. The collaboration and innovation fostered by this conference are expected to strengthen our joint efforts in building resilient communities,” he explained.

Separately, the Vice Head of LPPM for Community Service, dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, M.Si.Med., Sp.And (K)., M.M.R., Ph.D., mentioned that the conference is a strategic approach to achieving publication targets for community service activities conducted by Universitas Diponegoro’s academic community. “In line with the tagline ‘UNDIP Bermartabat dan UNDIP Bermanfaat,’ we hope that ICASTCS can have a positive impact on the development of community service activities in Indonesia,” said Dr. Zulfa.

This year’s ICASTCS focused on discussing the importance of integrating sustainability, transformation, and digital acceleration in shaping a more resilient future. The event attracted attention from various groups, both academics and practitioners, committed to providing sustainable solutions amidst challenging conditions.

Particularly with speakers who provided compelling insights into sustainability challenges driven by digital acceleration, such as Prof. Dr. Adian Fatchur Rochim, S.T., M.T., Vice Rector III of Universitas Diponegoro; Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto, MDA, an academic from Universitas Gadjah Mada and Chair of the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA); TS. DR. Noor Janatun Naim Binti Jemali from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan; and Dr. Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, M.Sc, B.Eng. from the Austrian Institute of Technology.

With support from internationally esteemed speakers, ICASTCS has become a stage for diverse global perspectives in addressing a future full of challenges and uncertainties. The conference underscores Universitas Diponegoro’s active role in innovation and the development of natural solutions for the global community.

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