Undip Rector: Professor Has To Create Work for Providing Benefit To Mankind

(Undip Inauguration of 3 Professors)

Professor is highest academic position in higher education institutions. However, the real crown of a professor is capability of continously creating works for benefit to mankind. It is said by Diponegoro University (Undip) Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama in Inauguration of Professors at Hall of Prof. Soedarto SH, Undip Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, on Saturday (April 21, 2018).

Rector said that being a professor is not only scholarly achievement, but it has also maturity of mind and good integrity as lecturer or human. “To be an academic with highest title, you should have owned and developed careness to mankind and braveness to defend the truth by integrity and honesty,” he said.

Undip added three professors, i.e. Prof. Endang Dwi Purbayanti (Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science), Prof. Heri Sutanto (Faculty of Sciences and Mathemathic), and Prof. Sri Tudjono (Faculty of Engineering).

In the inauguration, Prof. Endang Dwi Purbayanti addressed her speech themed  “Strategy of Repairing Saline Land To Support Food Security”,  Prof. Heri Sutanto delivered his inauguratiom speech themed “Prospect of Applying Semiconductor Oxide Thin Layer on Photocatalyst for Degradation of Textile Industry Waste”, and Prof. Sri Tudjono conveyed his speech of “Reinforced Conventional Concrete, Using Carbon Fibre”

Inauguration of the three professors has added number of Undip professors to 119 persons.*

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